Secret Mother Korean Drama Recap: Episode 1

This is first episode of Secret Mother Korean Drama, Yoon Jin looks for a private tutor to improve her son Min Joo’s level. Eun Young wants to find the truth of her sister’s missing, and approaches Min Joo.

Secret Mother Korean Drama Recap: Episode 1

Secret Mother

A woman falls into pool from building when the auction is beginning. Ji Ae tears up while siting on the stairs. Sun Ja washes her hand with blood. Hye Kyung trembles at the corner, and observes outside. People recognizes Yoon Jin when she is standing at rooftop. Ji Ae says that people know the rumor when she is asked. Hye Kyung adds that Min Joo’s private tutor had an affair with his dad.

Yoon Jin asks the woman to wake up, after she was pulled out from pool, and sent to hospital. She admits that she knew the victim had an affair with her husband, and tells police about it from beginning. It happened 3 months ago.

Min Joo isn’t out when Yoon Jin waits him at his school. The teacher tells her that his son decided to retake the test at class room, and thinks students feel stressful when their tutor is their mother. Yoon Jin tells Min Joo that the questions he did wrong are easy type, and thinks he will answer them correctly if he reviews them carefully. Min Joo is excited after knew his father is going to pick him. But Yoon Jin gets in wrong car after seeing his husband Jae Yeol.

Yoon Jin is scalded when taking out bellflower root soup. She claims she is fine, but Jae Yeol think it isn’t fine when seeing her having hard time, and persuade her to hire a tutor for Min Joo. Hwa Sook thinks it’s Ji Ae’s birther when she sees Ji Ae shows her shoulders in front of others in her daughter’s birthday, and says that they need to roll out the carpet. Yoon Jin reveals she doesn’t want to leave her son to stranger when people talk about hiring tutor, but Ji Ae disagrees, and thinks tutor isn’t stranger but expert who helps them save time and emotions.

Eun Young shows up at the dark street, two guys thinks she is pretty, and want to make fun with her. She comes to her, and asks them if they know the location. The private detective tells Eun Young that her sister concealed herself because of debt, and thinks it will set her up in the difficult position, if she reports her as a missing person. But Eun Young tells the detective that she doesn’t come for her sister, but Yoon Jin. He says that Yoon Jin is psychiatrist who treated her sister, and reveals they cannot investigate her sister’s case because of Yoon Jin’s husband is a police officer.

Yoon Jin’s sister-in-law Joo Hee and Soo Hee persuades Yoon Jin to hire a tutor. Meanwhile, Eun Young sits at another table, and heard what they talked. Yoon Jin throws a doll into trash can, Jae Yeol reveals it’s only thing their daughter left for Min Joo. Yoon Jin says that she will buy her son a new one.

Yoon Jin saw her daughter in the car in front of her, while driving. She makes criminal flee from Jung Wan. He recalls he hugged her in the rain at night. Min Joo takes the doll from trash can, and hides it in his drawer when Yoon Jin steps into his room.

SEE ALSO: The World of the Married: Episode 1 Recap & Review

Sun Ja asks her husband Byung Hak to get their daughter Chae Lin a private tutor, but Byung Hak thinks Chae Lin gets enough lessons. Hwa Sook thinks she cannot let Min Joo get better grades than her daughter Ji Ho, after knowing Yoon Jin got a private tutor for her son.

Ji Ae asks Hye Kyung if Mr. Min is handsome when seeing her staring at his body while Mr. Min teaches students how to swim. Hye Kyung is nervous after hearing what she said, and asks his husband to stay away from his bed, because their daughter fell asleep.

Hye Kyung, Hwa Sook and Ji Ae asks Yoon Jin about her private tutor when they run into at the cafe. Yoon Jin reveals her sister-in-law got the tutor for her. Ji Ae thinks it’s opportunity to help her son to reach their kids level. Meanwhile, Min Joo’s doll is broken while he fights with other classmates in classroom.

The tutor doesn’t come to cafe, when Yoon Jin is waiting her. She gets a call from Joo Hee who tells her the her son lost. She is desperate to look for her son, and sees Eun Young takes Min Joo. Yoon Jin wants to call police, but Min Joo recalls she is the woman who helped him avoid the spilled coffee.

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