The Best of You in My Mind: Episode 3 Recap

Lin Xichi beats Xu Fang, and people think she is a demon on The Best of You in My Mind.

The Best of You in My Mind: Episode 3 Recap

The Best of You in My Mind: Episode 2

This Best of You in My Mind recap contains spoilers.

The Best of You in My Mind: Episode 3 begins with the coach telling Xu Fang to be the captain, but Xu Fang rejects it. The coach gives him some time to think about it. Xi Chi is dissection of an earthworm, and sends the photo to Xu Fang when he’s eating.

She asks him for buying her a meal, but he gets her to speak out 100 advantages of him. She speaks out some advantages and goes out to kick the pillar. Because she cannot stand it. She abuses him. He asks her to see the senior Jing Jing for him. Jing Jing wants to confess to Xu Fang. But he gets Xi Chi to tell Jing Jing that he loves Xi Chi.

Xi Chi returns the dormitory, and Nie Yue thinks the senior will hate her. Xi Chi spots the person sneaking into the room, and tells the roommate to catch him. But they find out that the person is their new roommate Li Yang. Xi Chi introduces herself to Li Yang, but she tells her that Jing Jing wants to take blade to chop her.

Xu Fang is late for Teacher Yan’s class, and he tells Xi Chi to tell the teacher that he is in the restroom. She gets changed and plays herself and Xu Fang when Teacher Yan calls names. Teacher Yan sees her trick.

Xi Chi fails in the game while staring at Xu Fang. So Zi Dan asks her to ask Xu Fang for his wechat. He rejects it, and she burps. Xi Chi jumps on Xu Fang and grabs his hair. Xu Fang’s neck is bleeding, and he gets her to take him to infirmary. The doctor isn’t there so that she treats his wound. She tells him not to fight with each other anymore. But he rejects it.

Xi Chi returns the dormitory, and Nie Yue tells her that someone posted what she beat Xu Fang online. People call her Chi demon now. Xi Chi wears the mask to buy meal at the dining room. But people still recognize her. So she flees.

The Best of You in My Mind ends with Xi Chi holding umbrella to eat bread alone. People find her and take photos of her. She feels wronged that people think Xu Fang is a good person when he bullies her.

Chinese Drama 2020

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