Amidst a Snowstorm of Love: Episode 6 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Amidst a Snowstorm of Love: Episode 6. Lin Yiyang walks into the laundry room. Yin Guo is waiting for him. She laughs because he didn’t take some clothes to pretend to wash clothes. He asks her if she saw Jiang Yang before.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Episode 6 Recap

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Amidst a Snowstorm of Love: Episode 6.

Yin Guo reveals she saw Jiang Yang two times when he played games with her older brother. Lin Yang asks her if her older brother is fine. The guy walks into the laundry room when he complains to his friend that he ruined his clothes.

The three are silent. Yin Guo wonders if she needs to sit in the laundry room for one hour. Lin Yiyang sends a message to Yin Guo. He asks her why she didn’t speak. She laughs and she relies to him that he didn’t say anything as well.

She asks him not to be serious because it’s just a talk of friends. He asks her if she knows he wishes to pursue her. She’s shocked after she saw his confession. He leaves the laundry room because she didn’t give him an answer. Yin Guo is embarrassed because she mistakes that Lin Yiyang was just kidding.

The guy mistakes that Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo had a fight. He comforts Yin Guo. But she thinks he knows nothing. He leaves the laundry room with his clothes. He runs into Lin Yiyang. He tells him to get along with Yin Guo well. Lin Yiyang walks out of his house.

He calls Jiang Yang. He asks him to let An Mei come down with a coat. An Mei shows up. He hands over the coat to Lin Yiyang. Lin Yiyang wears the coat. He wonders if An Mei has nothing to say to him since they haven’t seen each other for ten years.

An Mei knows Lin Yiyang came down because he didn’t wish the people to make fun of him. Lin Yiyang slaps An Mei’s shoulder. He thinks he’s getting taller. An Mei cries to ask Lin Yiyang why he didn’t contact them. Lin Yiyang explains it to An Mei that he worried that they would be embarrassed if he contacted them because they have different paths.

An Mei hugs Lin Yiyang. Lin Yiyang stops An Mei. He worries that he won’t get a wife if An Mei continues to do it to him. He asks him to support Jiang Yang. But An Mei thinks he doesn’t need Lin Yiyang to teach him what to do because he has many students.

An Mei worries that Lin Yiyang cannot get Yin Guo when Meng Xiaodong is there. He persuades him to date Yin Guo without letting Meng Xiaodong know it. But Lin Yiyang points out that Yin Guo didn’t agree to let him be her boyfriend.

An Mei believes that Lin Yiyang will get Yin Guo because he saw Yin Guo’s eyes. Yin Guo walks out of the laundry room. She runs into Jiang Yang and his disciples. Wu Wei reveals Lin Yiyang is upstairs. He goes to send off the guests.

Yin Guo returns to her house. She sees Lin Yiyang. She invites him to have a meal with her. She’s embarrassed to run into her room. She closes the door. She wonders why she was nervous. He knocks at the door. He appoints a time with her. He’s very happy.

Wu Wei returns. He’s surprised that Lin Yiyang is close to Yin Guo. He complains to him that Chen Anan didn’t leak anything to him. Yin Guo goes out. She calls Zheng Yi. She asks her what she will say if someone confesses his feelings to him.

Zheng Yi gets up. She’s shocked after she realized that the guy was Lin Yiyang. She wonders how did Lin Yiyang confess his feelings to Yin Guo. Yin Guo mentions Lin Yiyang’s confession. But Zheng Yi thinks Lin Yiyang wasn’t serious.

She reveals she would let the guy show more love to her if she likes him. She wonders how did Lin Yiyang confess his feelings to Yin Guo. But Yin Guo pretends to have a bad signal. She ends the talk. She goes to the candy store. She doesn’t know Lin Yiyang heard the talk.

He follows her and he finds out that she’s in the store. He leaves. She returns home with the candies. She shares the candies with him. Lin Yiyang eats the candy in the evening. Wu Wei persuades him not to eat candy because he thinks he will get dental cavities. But Lin Yiyang tells Wu Wei to go to sleep.

Yin Guo cannot sleep. She doesn’t know what to do after she bought some candies. Wu Wei brushes his teeth. He’s surprised that Lin Yiyang got up. He tells him to go to sleep because he doesn’t have a business. Lin Yiyang reveals he appointed someone.

Wu Wei mistakes that it’s a interview. He thinks Lin Yiyang doesn’t have to worry about it because he’s a top student. Lin Yiyang shaves. He walks out of the bathroom. He runs into Yin Guo. He plans to clean up the bathroom for her.

But she rejects it because she doesn’t take a shower. She sees the shaver he used. She fixes her hair. She walks out of the bathroom when he’s cooking breakfast. He invites her to have breakfast with him. She takes him to the restaurant by the sea.

She mentions what her friend told her that the spaghetti lobster is delicious. She eats the spaghetti lobster with him. She finds out that they had two meals together. She wonders if she’s chasing him because he doesn’t say anything.

SEE ALSO: Amidst a Snowstorm of Love: Episode 5 Recap & Ending

She reveals Coach Xu mentioned him. She wonders why he was retired. She thinks he should change a ball club because he had good scores. He explains it to her that he planned to study. She thinks the idea was very good. They walk out of the restaurant. The couple invites them to take a photo for them.

Lin Yiyang takes a photo for the couple. The couple volunteers to take a photo for Lin Yiyang and Yin Guo. They leave after they did it. Yin Guo takes a look at the photo. She laughs. They arrive at the tram stop. They part because they need to take different trams.

Yin Guo wishes herself not to miss the stop. She gets on the tram. Lin Yiyang joins her and he finds a seat for her. She mentions he needs to catch the train. He reveals he worried that she will miss the stop. She persuades him to get off the tram at the next stop. They promise to let each other know if they return home. The tram arrives at the stop. Lin Yiyang gets off the tram.

Yin Guo gets a call from Meng Xiaodong. There’s a bad signal. She tells him that she will call him later. She gets off the tram. She calls him. He reminds her that it’s a international competition. She explains it to him that she trains herself each day.

He tells her not to make an excuse herself. He threatens to go to see her if he hears the bad news. She persuades him not to delay his case because of her. He tells her to train herself well. He hangs up. Yin Guo tells herself that Meng Xiaodong won’t come because he needs to prepare for his game.

She returns home and she washes her hands in the bathroom. She sees the shaver Lin Yiyang left. She wipes the shaver. She walks out of the bathroom. She gets a message from Lin Yiyang who reveals he returned home. She smiles because she thinks he’s an honest guy. She tells him that she just returned home. She reveals she doesn’t have a boyfriend. But he has known it. Because she wouldn’t go out with him if she has a boyfriend.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Episode 6 Ending

Episode 6 of Amidst a Snowstorm of Love ends with Wu Wei returning home. He notes that Yin Guo is very happy. He calls Lin Yiyang. He asks him if he kissed Yin Guo. Lin Yiyang walks on the street. He runs into his friend. The friend mentions Lin Yiyang is going to stay in the school. But Lin Yiyang tells his friend that he didn’t decide it. He reveals he has another plan.

Amidst a Snowstorm of Love Episode 6 stars Wu Lei, Zhao Jinmai and Wang Xingyue.

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