Everyone Loves Me: Episode 8 Recap

Everyone Loves Me Episode 8 begins with Gu Xun telling Yue Qianling that he’s Xiao Cao. But she thinks he’s showing off his superiority. She tells him that she doesn’t wish to see him. She gets off the elevator. Jiang Junnan sends a voice message to Chen Xinyi. He asks her to go to deliver the papers.

Everyone Loves Me Episode 8 Recap: Gu Xun Asks Yue Qianling to Work with Him

The treasurer giving Chen Xinyi a hard time in Everyone Loves Me

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Everyone Loves Me Episode 8.

Chen Xinyi arrives at the financial department. She brings the milk tea to the treasurer. But the treasurer tells Chen Xinyi that she doesn’t drink milk tea. Chen Yinyi asks the treasurer to stamp her paper. The treasurer tells Chen Xinyi to leave because she doesn’t have a flow sheet.

Previous Episode

Chen Xinyi walks out of the office of the financial department. She runs into Jiang Junnan. He scolds her after knowing she didn’t get the stamp. Gu Xun shows Wang Hai the photo that he leaked the information of the team. Wang Hai explains it to Gu Xun that he did it because those guys provoked him.

He promises not to drink anymore. But Gu Xun fires Wang Hai. Wang Hai tells Gu Xun to wait for him. He’s furious to leave his office. Jiang Junnan bumps Wang Hai. He thinks Gu Xun shouldn’t fire Wang Hai because they’re lack of employees.

Jiang Junnan carries the box upstairs. He complains it to Gu Xun that they couldn’t take the elevator because the person pressed the elevator. He finds out that there’s a new neighbor. He tells Gu Xun to go to say hello. But Gu Xun rejects it.

Jiang Junnan sees Yue Qianling who’s pressing the elevator. He thinks she’s Gu Xun’s neighbor. Gu Xun decides to help Yue Qianling. But she rejects it. She promises to clean the hallway. She returns to her house and she closes the door.

Yue Qianling and Gu Xun Becoming Neighbors in Everyone Loves Me

Yue Qianling opens the door when the delivery person comes to give her the haggis. Jiang Junnan tells Gu Xun to cook haggis for Yue Qianling. But Gu Xun asks Jiang Junnan to go to buy the haggis. Yue Qianling calls the landlady when she cooks the haggis.

She asks her about the house she saw. But she’s told that the house has been rented out. She wants to back out. But the landlady tells Yue Qianling that she can only return the rent to her when she finds the new tenant. Yue Qianling finds out that the air conditioner doesn’t work because there’s no batteries in the remote.

The landlady persuades Yue Qianling to go to 402 Unit to borrow the batteries. Yue Qianling rejects it. She walks out of her house and she texts Xiao Cao that she became Gu Xun’s neighbor. He thinks it’s a fate. She returns to the building.

She runs into Jiang Junnan in the elevator. He thinks she will see Gu Xun often because they’re neighbors. The guy shows up. He thinks he and Yue Qianling have a fate because they’re neighbors. But she scolds him. Jiang Junnan sends a message to Gu Xun. He thinks Gu Xun did something bad.

He asks him to cook the haggis for him. But Gu Xun thinks Yue Qianling’s taste is bad to eat haggis in the hot day. Yue Qianling hears what Gu Xun said. She’s furious to tell Jiang Junnan that she has a bad taste. She returns to her house.

She puts the batteries she just bought into the remote. But she finds out that the air conditioner still doesn’t work. Gu Xun and Jiang Junnan are going to cook the haggis. But Gu Xun doesn’t want to cook it. Jiang Junnan reminds Gu Xun that he will know Yue Qianling if he cooks the haggis.

The two cook the haggis. Jiang Junnan tastes the haggis. He finds out that it’s delicious. He asks Gu Xun to taste the haggis. But Gu Xun rejects it. He goes to feed the stray dog. He sees Yue Qianling feeding the stray dog the haggis. He learns that the haggis is for the dog.

Gu Xun Flxing the Air Conditioner in Everyone Loves Me

He calls the dog Pudding. Yue Qianling is surprised that Gu Xun likes dogs as well. He reveals he feeds the dogs often. He tries to tell his Game ID to her. But he wants to vomit when he sees the haggis. Yue Qianling mistakes that Gu Xun doesn’t want to see her. She leaves.

Gu Xun takes a look at Yue Qianling’s house. He sends a message to Yue Qianling with the name of Xiao Cao. She complains it to him that she became Gu Xun’s neighbor. She adds that her air conditioner is broken. He persuades her to go to borrow the air conditioner from the neighbor. But she doesn’t want to give in.

Gu Xun knocks at the door when Yue Qianling puts her head into the fridge. He reveals he comes to take a look at the air conditioner because he heard that her air conditioner is broken. But she doesn’t need his help. He pretends to call the landlady. He learns that he needs to go to see the community.

Yue Qianling opens the door. She tells Gu Xun not to bother others. She asks him for his remote. But he resists on checking the air conditioner for her. He fixes the air conditioner and he wants to tell something to her. But she drives him out of her house because she only wants to talk about work with him.

Yue Qianling closes the door. Gu Xun texts her. He tries to tell her that she misunderstood him. But she tells him that she felt disgusted when Gu Xun gave the remote to her. Gu Xun returns to his house. Jiang Junnan complains to him that he took away the remote when he came back.

He wonders if Yue Qianling didn’t get angry. Gu Xun thinks it’s normal that Xiao Mahua hates him. Jiang Junnan is surprised that Gu Xun took Yue Qianling’s side. But Gu Xun didn’t confess it to Yue Qianling. He thinks it’s good that Xiao Cao becomes Yue Qianling’s emotional trash can.

Fan Xing's Painting Being Leaked in Everyone Loves Me

Jiang Junnan thinks Gu Xun fell for Yue Qianling. Someone calls Gu Xun. He reports to him that something bad happened. Gu Xun arrives at the company. He finds out that Wang Hai posted the painting. He asks everyone to come back.

Wei Han mentions Fan Xing’s painting was leaked. He tells Fan Xing to find a way to resolve it. She comforts her that she has other good paintings. He chooses to trust her. Yue Qianling is drinking water at home. Huang Jie calls Yue Qianling. She reports to her that the photo of the role Lin Zhi was leaked.

Yue Qianling checks the painting. She finds out that the art designer painted Lin Zhi so well. She decides to give it a try. Jiang Junnan plans to sue Wang Hai. But Gu Xun tells Jiang Junnan that the one who leaked Lin Zhi’s painting wasn’t Wang Hai.

Wei Han takes Fan Xing to Gu Xun’s office. Fan Xing hands over her two plans to Gu Xun. But Gu Xun thinks there’s no surprise after he saw the paintings. He asks Fan Xing to give it a try. But Wei Han points out that Fan Xing needs to focus on the hero Ming Chen.

Gu Xun decides to go to look for another art designer. Jiang Junnan finds out that the art designer Shuidao Ziranxing’s painting is pretty good. He decides to go to contact her. But Gu Xun volunteers to contact the art designer on his own. He sends a message to the art designer. He tells her that he likes her works very much.

Chen Xinyi Plans to Resign in Everyone Loves Me

Su Zheng designs a palace for the hero. But Jiang Yishi tells Su Zheng to go to fix it. He promises to let him be the main planner after he completes Love Manager. Gu Xun bumps Yue Qianling. It makes her phone drop. He picks up the phone for her. He finds out that her phone is dead.

Gu Xun takes a look at Su Zheng’s works. He likes his works very much. But he points out that he didn’t show the core demand of the first department. Su Zheng agrees to what Gu Xun said. But he reveals he was happy when he talked with Gu Xun.

Gu Xun remembers he saw the ID Shuidao Ziranxing before. He goes to the gaming room. He hears the gaming room owner talking about the first place girl with the player. He asks the gaming room owner if the girl will come again. The gaming room owner reveals the girl hasn’t come for a long time. He adds that he doesn’t know the real name of the girl.

Next Episode

He reveals Gu Xun was there when the girl played the game. Gu Xun remembers Yue Qianling asked him to show up. He thinks she was the girl. Wei Han asks Chen Xinyi to go to deliver the papers for him. She leaves the office. Jiang Junnan sees the resignation letter Chen Xinyi just wrote. He runs into her and he gives the task to her.

Episode 8 of Everyone Loves Me ends with Yue Qianling going to throw out the trash. She runs into Gu Xun. He calls her Shuidao Ziranxing. She’s shy to walk away. She rejects it when he plans to play game with her. She goes to the gaming room. She tells the gaming room owner that she wishes to change her name. Gu Xun shows up. Yue Qianling tells him that the name is just a small wish of her. She tries to leave because she thinks they have nothing to say. But he tells her that he wishes her to work with him.

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