Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 1. The killers sneak into Yunwei House to kill An Jingzhao. But the bodyguard fights with them. The bodyguard reports to An Jingzhao that he has killed all of the killers.

What Happens In Love Is an Accident Episode 1?

Love Is an Accident

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Love Is an Accident Chinese Drama: Episode 1.

But An Jingzhao doesn’t think so. He casts his brushes to the killers. Li Chuyue finds out that her brother Li Chuyang stole her money again. She scolds him. He explains to her that he just used her mirror. He asks her if he looks manly more.

Li Chuyue is furious to ask Li Chuyang to return to money to her. Madam Li shows up when the two kids have a fight. Madam Li regrets for giving birth to them. She tells Master Li to have a meeting. He joins her. She tells Li Chuyue that the little cat isn’t her turn if she doesn’t find a boyfriend.

Madam Li thinks they wouldn’t let Li Chuyue stay alone if her aunt didn’t ask Li Chuyue to watch the house. She thinks she and Master Li’s main task is to watch Li Chuyue find a boyfriend. She tells Li Chuyue to go to find a good job if she cannot be a designer.

Li Chuyue tells Madam Li that he’s going to go to take part in the design game. She thinks she will get a place. Master Li tells Madam Li to return to the palace with him. She tries to leave with him. But she remembers Li Chuyue went to attend the party. She asks Li Chuyue if she got any prize.

Li Chuyue shows the meteorite to Madam Li. She wants to give the meteorite to her. But Madam Li refuses to accept the meteorite. Li Chuyang takes a look at the meteorite. He tells Li Chuyue that the meteorite can affect her brain wave. He thinks she will have a sweet dream.

But Li Chuyue asks Li Chuyang to return the money to her. He flees. She complains to the heaven that she got a bad prize. An Jingzhao tells the killer that he will forgive him if he speaks out his boss. The killer kills himself. An Jingzhao tells the bodyguard Dong Hua to go to ask other killers.

The killer tries to tell about the boss to Dong Hua. But he’s killed by another killer. Dong Hua mentions the killer told the word “Second” to him. He thinks the case is related to Second Young Master Zhou Wei. He leaks that the master had headache. He thinks it’s related to the soup Zhou Wei gave to the master. An Jingzhao thinks he shouldn’t wait to be killed.

Does An Jingzhao Kidnap Li Chuyue?

Li Chuyue sings. An Jingzhao hears the song. Dong Hua hears the girl calling An Jingzhao baby. He thinks the girl doesn’t respect his master. He goes to catch her. But he finds out that there’s nobody singing. He thinks Zhou Wei is using a black magic.

Dong Hua tells Li Chuyue to come out to accept her death when she’s playing game. But she tells him that she’s going to give him a lesson. An Jingzhao tells Li Chuyue not to be a turtle. She finds out that his voice is very sweet. She thinks he’s very handsome.

Li Chuyue tells Li Chuyang to go to attack the enemies. Madam Li shows up. She scolds Li Chuyue and she thinks she cannot find a boyfriend from the game. Li Chuyue laughs to tell her mother that all of people are her followers in the game.

Madam Li tells Li Chuyue to go to sleep. She leaves her room. Li Chuyue wakes up. She puts her clothes on the meteorite. The clothes fall to An Jingzhao’s room. An Jingzhao tries to touch the stuff. But Dong Hua stops him because he worries that it contains poison.

Episode 1 of Love Is an Accident ends with the girl walking into An Jingzhao’s room. But she sees Li Chuyue. She asks her why she is. She wonders why she’s in her brother’s room. Li Chuyue tells the girl that he was kidnapped by An Jingzhao.

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