I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 1. The drunkard shows up at the cemetery. He tries to pull something out from the grave. But he finds out what he’s pulling is a human’s hand. He sees the zombies carrying a dead body to be close to him. He’s scared to run away. He swears not to drink anymore.

What Happens In I Am Nobody Episode 1?

I Am Nobody

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 1.

The girl tells the zombies to leave with her because they have gotten the dead body. The drunkard reports to the chief that the dead body was stolen. The chief takes a look at the grave. He finds out that the grave belongs to Zhang Xilin.

The girl tells the classmates to welcome the senior. But they see Zhang Chulan. The senior Mr. Wu shows up. He lets Zhang Chulan put the red carpet for him. He jumps over his head and he reaches the stage. Zhang Chulan gets a call from the village chief.

The village chief tells Zhang Chulan that his grandpa’s dead body was stolen by someone. Zhang Chulan is furious to hang up. He returns to the village. He finds out that what village chief said is true. He asks Village Chief what happened.

Village Chief doesn’t know it as well. He tells Zhang Chulan to come up with an idea. The girl drives a tractor to show up. She comforts Village Chief that she will find her grandpa’s body. She introduces herself as Zhang Xilan’s granddaughter Zhang Baobao.

Zhang Baobao tells Zhang Chulan that she’s his older sister. She hugs him. But he tells her that he doesn’t have any older sister. She leaks that his father Zhang Yude came to see her mother when he was ten years old. She shows her and Zhang Yude’s family photo to him.

Village Chief takes a look at the family photo. He’s surprised that Zhang Yude has a daughter. Zhang Baobao leaks that her mother told it to her. She adds that her mother asked her to take a look at her grandpa’s grave. But Zhang Chulan thinks Zhang Baobao is a liar.

The madam takes a look at Zhang Baobao. She thinks she’s like Zhang Yude. Zhang Chulan takes over the photo from the madam. He thinks Zhang Baobao is a liar. He tells Village Chief to say something good. Zhang Baobao tells Village Chief that she will resolve her grandpa’s case.

Village Chief doesn’t want to bother Zhang Chulan and Zhang Baobao. He takes the villagers away. Zhang Chulan cooks the meat. He visits Zhang Xilan with the meat. He mentions he cooked the meat for him before. He complains to him that he didn’t tell him that he took him to hide.

Zhang Chulan asks his grandpa about their enemies. He sees Zhang Baobao digging the grave. He thinks his grandpa’s dead body was stolen by her. He takes a photo of her to get the evidence. But she glares at him. He’s scared to flee. She jumps in the sky and stuns him with a tackle.

Why Zhang Baobao Wishes to Bury Zhang Chulan?

Zhang Chulan wakes up. He’s startled when he sees the zombie. Zhang Baobao stabs the zombie from his back. She kills him. Zhang Chulan asks Zhang Baobao what she just killed. She takes a look at his hand. He tries to flee. But she beats him and drags him when she walks.

Zhang Chulan asks for help. Zhang Baobao tells him that only she can hear it. But she won’t save him. She throws him into the grave. She tells him that she has to bury him because he saw too much. But he thinks he didn’t see anything.

Zhang Chulan doesn’t believe that Zhang Baobao will bury him because he’s her younger brother. He tells her that he liked her when he saw her the first time. He asks her if his father is fine. But she kicks him. She goes to fight with the zombies.

Zhang Chulan mistakes it for a dream. He slaps himself and he tells himself to face the realize. But he finds out that the zombies surround him. Feng Baobao flees. The zombies approach Zhang Chulan. Zhang Chulan screams. Feng Baobao blocks the car. The guy gets off the car.

She reports to him that Zhang Xilin’s dead body was taken away. She reveals she was attacked by the puppets. The guy San Er remembers only puppet masters can control puppets. He wonders why the puppet masters are interested in Zhang Xilin’s dead body.

He hears Zhang Chulan’s cry. He learns that Feng Baobao gave up Zhang Chulan from the puppet. He blames Feng Baobao because he thinks Zhang Chulan is just an ordinary person. He runs to the cemetery and he finds out that Zhang Chulan is fine. He wonders how did Zhang Chulan flee from the puppets. He finds the boy’s study ID. He persuades Feng Baobao to go to study. He lets her leave Zhang Xilin’s dead body to him and Xu Si.

SEE ALSO: I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Episode 1 of I Am Nobody ends with Wang Ye getting on the subway. He sees the dead bodies inside the subway. He steps on the newspaper. He picks up the newspaper. He sees Zhang Chulan who has been a monster. He’s startled to get off the subway.

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