Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 14 Recap

This is the recap for K-Drama Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 14. Ha Ram walks to Cheon-Ki. He tries to hurt her. Grand Prince Yangmyung stabs Ha Ram from his back. Ho Ryeong spots it and thinks Demon King got killed. God Samshin denies. Ha Ram passes out.

Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 14 Recap

Lovers of the Red Sky

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for K-Drama Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 14.

Cheon-Ki wakes Ha Ram up. Grand Prince Juhyang is furious to tell the bodyguards to catch Ha Ram. Moo Young shows up with the followers. They fight with the bodyguards. Ha Ram rides the horse with Cheon-Ki. They intend to flee. Grand Prince Juhyang strings a bow to shoot Ha Ram. But Ho Ryeong changes the pathway of the arrow. God Samshin is surprised to look at Ho Ryeong.

Ha Ram arrives at the house with Cheon-Ki. Mae Hyang is waiting for them. She takes the two to get into the house. Ha Ram takes the wet cloth to treat Cheon-Ki’s hand. He apologizes to her. The two swear to protect each other. Cheon-Ki catches the chance to grab Ha Ram’s hand.

Grand Prince Juhyang is furious after he was told that his follower didn’t catch Ha Ram. He worries that Ha Ram will use Demon King. Mi-Soo comforts Grand Prince Juhyang that the man cannot do that without her help. She worries that Demon King will replace Ha Ram. She thinks they need to do another sealing ceremony. Young-Hwe wants to catch Cheon-Ki.

Grand Prince Yangmyung visits King Seongjo. He tells him that he failed, asking him to wake up so that he can get a help from him. Grand Prince Yangmyung leaves King Seongjo’s room. He runs into Wol Seon. He tells her to stop Grand Prince Juhyang because he thinks his brother will hold another sealing ceremony. But she points out that Grand Prince Juhyang won’t succeed with out the portrait.

Wol Seon mentions the portrait got ruined by Demon King. She thinks the portrait is lack of something. She tells Grand Prince Yangmyung the bad news that she lost her power. Grand Prince Juhyang shows up. He thinks Grand Prince Yangmyung should take the duty of the sealing ceremony. He gets the bodyguards to arrest Grand Prince Yangmyung.

Young-Wook and Choi Jung return to the academy. They find out that all of people in the academy are caught. The bodyguard tells people the sin of Cheon-Ki. Choi Jung tries to save the people. But Young-Wook stops him. He reminds him that Cheon-Ki needs him. Shwen-Nae laughs after he saw it.

The bodyguard posts the warrants of Ha Ram and Cheon-Ki. Grand Prince Yangmyung sees the warrants. Wol Seon is surprised to him. He takes her away. She asks him where he is there. He smiles. The bodyguards escort Grand Prince Yangmyung when he stays in the prison van. Ki-Jung shows up and saved Grand Prince Yangmyung.

Grand Prince Yangmyung tells Ki-Jung to watch Grand Prince Juhyang. Ki-Jung leaves the room. Cheon-Ki wonders why the portrait got ruined. She wants to find the reason. But Ha Ram stops her because he doesn’t want to hurt his lover again. But she doesn’t want Demon King to kill people, and asks him to help her complete the sealing ceremony.

But Ha Ram doesn’t want to change his mind. Cheon-Ki is furious to walk into the room and close the door. She swears to seal Demon King. He leaves a flower outside. He walks away. Young-Hwe visits Eun-O in the jail. He learns that he’s insane when he talks nonsense to him. He tells the bodyguards to catch Eun-O.

The bodyguard takes Eun-O to walk around the street. He tells people who he is. Moo Young spots it and reports it to Ha Ram. Ha Ram thinks it’s the trap of Grand Prince Juhyang. He tells Moo Young to save Eun-O before Cheon-Ki finds it out.

Cheon-Ki holds the flower Ha Ram left to her. She thinks it won’t work to her. Mae Hyang visits Cheon-Ki and brings a bad news to her. Cheon-Ki runs out of Mae Hyang’s house. Ha Ram looks for Cheon-Ki. Mae Hyang tells Ha Ram that his lover went to save Eun-O. He wants to go to save Eun-O as well. But she stops him because she thinks he will be hurt.

Mae Hyang reminds Ha Ram their dream. She tells him not to give up the dream for a woman. But he tells her that he doesn’t want to get people involved. He walks away. She glares at his back. Cheon-Ki finds Eun-O in the market. She wants to take him home.

Cheon-Ki is startled to Young-Hwe, and the bodyguards show up. Cheon-Ki is taken to Grand Prince Juhyang’s palace. He prepares a banquet for her and her father. He asks her if she knows Ha Ram’s whereabouts. She denies. He tells her that he wants her to do the portrait again. She learns that he wants to get Demon King.

Cheon-Ki tries to make a deal with Grand Prince Juhyang. But he gets the bodyguard to put the sword on Eun-O’s neck. He gets the bodyguards to take her away. Eun-O tries to stop the bodyguards. But the bodyguard kicks him and intends to kiss him. Cheon-Ki hugs the bodyguard’s leg. She tells Grand Prince Juhyang that she will paint the portrait.

Mi-Soo visits Cheon-Ki. She takes a look at her eyes, and finds out that it belongs to Demon King. She tells her to complete the portrait in a short period time. Because Demon King is going to replace Ha Ram. Cheon-Ki points out that her lover has the ring which can help him. Mi-Soo tells Cheon-Ki to think about why King Yeongjong wanted to seal Demon King.

Ha Ram goes to the Eun-O’s store. He finds out that the two are missing. Moo Young thinks Cheon-Ki and Eun-O got arrested. Wol Seon reports to Grand Prince Yangmyung that Cheon-Ki got arrested. She worries that the ceremony will be done if Grand Prince Juhyang gets Ha Ram.

But Grand Prince Yangmyung doesn’t want to stop his brother. He takes out the holy knife. Wol Seon reminds Grand Prince Yangmyung that he will lose his life if the one he stabs passes away. He wants to accept it if it’s the wish of God.

Ha Ram returns home. Man Soo runs into Ha Ram and tries to take him to get into the house. But Ha Ram stops Man Soo. He asks him if anyone visited him. Man Soo reveals some bodyguards visited him. He hands over the stuff to his master.

Moo Young and Ha Ram walk to Grand Prince Juhyang’s house. The guard tries to stop them. But he gets killed by the men in black. Ha Ram goes to see Cheon-Ki. He tells her that he came to save her. But she tells him to help her dad first. The men in black take Eun-O to show up. Ha Ram gets the follower to break the door of Cheon-Ki’s room.

Cheon-Ki runs out of the room. She sees Eun-O. Ha Ram takes them away. Ha Ram tries to leave Grand Prince Juhyang’s house. But he finds out that they’re surrounded by the bodyguards of Grand Prince Juhyang. Moo Young takes his followers to fight with Grand Prince Juhyang’s bodyguards. Ha Ram catches the chance to take Cheon-Ki and Eun-O to flee.

But Grand Prince Juhyang strings a bow and shoots Eun-O. Moo Young lets everyone flee. He closes the door and fights with the bodyguards. He gets killed. Eun-O takes a break under the tree. He recognizes Cheon-Ki in the end. Ha Ram tells Cheon-Ki that her father is going to die. She cries to beg Eun-O to stay in the world. But he’s gone.

Cheon-Ki is sad to hug Eun-O. Ha Ram swears to get Grand Prince Juhyang to repay it. He sheds one tear. The tear drops on his ring. The light shows up from the ring, and it flies into King’s palace. The light turns into the old man Ha Dam. Ha Dam treats King.

Grand Prince Juhyang takes Won-Ho and his men to the execution ground. He intends to kill them. Won-Ho thinks he’s innocence and asks for the prince’s mercy. But he tells the sin of Cheon-Ki to him. Hyun-Mo tries to help the poor man. But it doesn’t work.

Cheon-Ki lies in the bed. She refuses to eat anything. She tears up. Man Soo shows up. He reports to Ha Ram that Won-Ho is going to get killed. Cheon-Ki wants to go to save Won-Ho. But Ha Ram stops her because he thinks Grand Prince Juhyang will wait for Cheon-Ki there. She tells him that she will be a sinner if the people in the academy died for her.

Ha Ram has no way but to hug Cheon-Ki. He tells her that he will replace her to go to save the people. He walks away. It makes her tear up. Ha Ram walks out of the room. The follower hands over a letter to him. Cheon-Ki wipes off her tears. She decides to go to save Won-Ho in the end.

Ha Ram goes to the pavilion. King Seongjo is waiting for him. Ha Ram is shocked after knowing the person is King Seongjo.

Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 14 stars Ahn Hyo-Seop, Kim You-Jung and Gong Myung.

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