My Man Is Cupid: Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Man Is Cupid: Episode 3. Baek-Ryun yells at Sang-Hyeok when he thinks he’s fine. She takes a look at him. She finds out that he wasn’t hurt. She’s happy to hug him because the men were hurt when they were close to her.

My Man Is Cupid Episode 3 Recap

My Man Is Cupid

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Man Is Cupid: Episode 3.

Baek-Ryun kisses Sang-Hyeok’s face because she was too excited. She pushes him away. She wonders why he had a fight with the man. He reveals the guys tried to attack her. She smiles to tell him that she almost forgot it. He reminds her that it was a stalker. He wonders why she walked around in the evening. She reveals she just passed through. She explains to him that she needed to take the shortcut because she was going to see her friend.

But he tells her to take the safe route. She agrees to it. But she wonders why he appeared in the dark alley. She thinks he should take safe route as well. He explains to her that it’s the shortcut. He reveals he’s going to go to the beef tripe restaurant. She’s surprised that he likes beef tripe as well.

Why Baek-Ryun Thinks Sang-Hyeok Is Her Destiny?

Baek-Ryun the bad lucky girl cannot date any man because the man got when he tried to be close to her. Sang-Hyeok is the only one who doesn’t get hurt because of her. He likes beef tripe just like her. She realizes that the man is the boyfriend the Mountain God arranged for her.

Because she visits the Mountain God often. She asks him for a boyfriend. But Baek-Ryun’s friend worries that Mountain Go will arrange an ugly boyfriend for Baek-Ryun. So Baek-Ryun needs Sang-Hyeok’s photo. Sang-Hyeok is a client of her pet hospital. She makes an excuse that he needs to come to her hospital because his dog is fat.

Does Sang-Hyeok Go Out with Baek-Ryun?

Sang-Hyeok takes his dog to the pet hospital. Baek-Ryun meets with him. She asks him out. He agrees to it. But he chooses a expensive restaurant. It makes her tremble. Because she needs to eat noodles for a month if she pays the bill.

He intends to arrange a man for her. But she tells him that those men aren’t her type. He pays the bill and he leaves the restaurant. She gets angry because she thinks he did it for not dating her. He’s not happy as well because he paid the bill.

Baek-Ryun intends to pay the bill. Because her friend told her that she will get the man’s heart if she pays for the bill. She keeps reminding Sang-Hyeok that the restaurant is for the blind date. But he ignores what she said. He tells her to date her clients. He’s a cupid. It’s his duty to arrange a boyfriend for her. So he agrees to go out with her. Both aren’t happy in the end. Because they have different goals.

How Does Baek-Ryun Take a Photo of Sang-Hyeok?

Sang-Hyeok feels guilty. He thinks the girl didn’t have to die if he caught the culprit. Baek-Ryun tries to remember Baek-Ryun’s looks when she walks in the woods. She runs into Sang-Hyeok. She calls him superman and she runs to him.

She realizes that she needs his photo. She takes out her phone. She takes a photo of him. He asks her for the reason why she needs his photo. She refuses to tell him the reason. He tries to grab her phone. But he kisses her. He thinks he didn’t have to kiss her if she gave her phone to him. But someone bumps her. Sang-Hyeok catches Baek-Ryun before she falls to the ground.

Baek-Ryun needs a photo of Sang-Hyeok. Because Mountain God doesn’t know who the man is when she prays without the photo. Baek-Ryun had many chances to take the photo. But she missed the chance. She decides to catch the chance when she runs into him in the woods when she’s on the way to the mountain. Sang-Hyeok doesn’t know her goal. But he’s sure what she does will be bad to him. So he tries to grab her phone after she took a photo of him. But he kisses her by mistake.

Did Sang-Hyeok Date A Girl Before?

Baek-Ryun meets with Sang-Hyeok at the restaurant. She believes that she doesn’t get a boyfriend because of what she did in her past. She thinks the Mountain God will forgive her if she asks him for his mercy. Sang-Hyeok wonders why Baek-Ryun wishes to be in love so much.

He thinks he doesn’t deserve the love. She mistakes that he’s a mama’s boy. She thinks he needs to get his mother to agree to it when he dates a girl. He denies it and he reveals the person told him not to do that when he tried to date the girl. Sang-Hyeok actually dated a girl before. The ending wasn’t good. So he keeps a distance from Baek-Ryun when she chases him. It’s his fate not to date any girl. Because he’s the cupid. His job is to bring the love to the couple. But he doesn’t deserve love.

How Does My Man Is Cupid Episode 3 End?

Episode 3 of My Man Is Cupid ends with Sang-Hyeok revealing he was hurt after he didn’t listen to the people not to date the girl when he eats with Baek-Ryun at the restaurant. The two leave the restaurant. Sang-Hyeok calls a driver. He tells him that he’s at the parking lot.

The driver shows up. Sang-Hyeok tries to hand over his car key to the driver. But he sees the scar on his hand. He catches the driver before the driver opens the car door. He tells him that he knows he was the stalker. Because he saw his scar on his hand when he fought with him that night.

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