Pretty Man Chinese Drama Recap: Episodes 3-4

In the 3-4th episodes of Pretty Man Chinese Drama Recap, Qiao Anhao feels hurt after Lu Jinnian declared that they’re just classmates. But she thrills when he gives necklace to her as birthday present. Han Yunchu is intention to split them up, and pretends to be pushed over by him. Xu Jiamu believes it, and misunderstands his stepbrother.

Pretty Man Chinese Drama Recap: Episode 3

Pretty Man

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Pretty Man Chinese Drama Episodes 3-4.

Qiao Anhao explains to Director Sun that she and Lu Jinnian was just study. But he doesn’t believe what she said, and scolds them in his office. He finds out that his mother died because of taking too many sleeping pills. Lu Jinnian is furious, and asks him to shut up. He leaves with temper.

Director Sun calls Xu Jiamu’s mother Han Yunchu, and they’re intention to drive Lu Jinnian away from school. Han Yunchu is Xu Niande’s second wife, and cannot forgive Lu Jinnian because Xu Niande and Lu Shan took marrow from Xu Jiamu to save Lu Jinnian.

The next day, Qiao Anhao trips when riding bicycle, and Lu Jinnian sends her to hospital. She leans in his arms when he massages her wounded ankle. He forces her to lie in bed accidentally, and blushes to leave. She laughs.

Director Sun finds a long hair on Lu Jinnian’s body, and thinks he has puppy love. He threatens to punish Qiao Anhao if he doesn’t quit. Lu Jinnian has to obey his order, and Xu Jiamu cannot believe it, asking Lu Jinnian the reason.

Qiao Anhao gets the message from Zhao Meng, and knows Lu Jinnian is fired. She calls him to ask him about it, but he just tells her to take medicine on time. Director Sun gets call from president, and knows Lu Jinnian got a first in Orsay. He has no way but to recover Lu Jinnian’s status, but Han Yunchu wants to leak out his background, so he cannot stay at school.

Director Sun warns students not to have puppy love, and asks Lu Jinnian to do the self-criticism. Lu Jinnian declares that he and Qiao Anhao are just good friends, and it hurts her. Lin Qianqian warns Qiao Anhao not to flirt with Xu Jiamu.

The school is going to rehearse “Romeo and Juliet”, Xu Jiamu and Lu Jinnian are stunned when Qian Anhao wears Juliet’s costume. But Lin Qianqian breaks the costume, and locks Xu Jiamu up in the restroom.

Pretty Man Chinese Drama Recap: Episode 4

Lu Jinnian has to make a new skirt to replace the broken costume, and plays with Qiao Anhao on the stage. He kneels down, and kisses her when Xu Jiamu is released. Xu Jiamu is furious, but Lin Qianqian doesn’t regret. Qian Anhao’s eye gets dusts. Lu Jinnian takes off her glasses, and blows it for her.

Qiao Anhao dress up herself well since it’s her birthday, and Xu Jiamu gives her a pair of heels as gift. She wears it, and holds his hand to go down stairs. Qiao Anhao looks for Lu Jinnian in the hall, and he is upset when Han Yunchu looks down on him. He gives out the present, and she thrills after seeing the necklace. She asks him to wear it for her, but she trips and he catches her. They have some feelings.

SEE ALSO: The Best of You in My Mind: Episode 1 Recap

Han Yunchu asks Qiao Anhao to leave, and pretends she was pushed over by Lu Jinnian. Xu Jiamu believes it, and Lu Jinnian thinks he was wronged, and leaves with temper.

Qiao Anhao wants to make Lu Jinnian and Xu Jiamu get along through the competition. She asks Lu Jinnian about the word on the necklace, but he doesn’t reply her. Han Yunchu badmouths to Qiao Anhao’s aunt, and says Lu Jinnian has dirty background. So the aunt warns Qiao Anhao to stay away from Lu Jinnian.

Director Sun asks Qiao Anhao to lecture, but Lin Qianqian drops sleeping pills in her drink to deplay the lecture. She falls asleep when people sent her to hospital, and Director Sun tells Xu Jiamu that Lin Qianqian framed Qiao Anhao.

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