Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

This is the Recap & Ending for Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3. Bai Fengxi asks Hei Fengxi why he gave Younger Master Qi a lesson since they want to work with Qi family. He explains that he wants to get more from Qi family.

Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Recap

Who Rules The World

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3.

Younger Master Qi complains to his father Qi Yannian that Hei Fengxi gave him a lesson. He reveals Hei Fengxi’s maid beat Zhao Qinghou. Qi Yannian asks Younger Master Qi if the maid is a carefree girl. Younger Master Qi laughs because he mistakes his father likes the carefree girl.

Qi Yannian takes his son to see Hei Fengxi. Younger Master Qi points at Zhong Li. He reveals he was the guy who beat him. But he gets slapped by his father. Qi Yannian tells Zhong Li that he took his son to come to apologize. Zhong Li thinks Qi Yannian made the right choice.

SEE ALSO: Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Qi Yannian asks Zhong Li what his fate will be if he made the wrong choice. Zhong Li mentions what Hei Fengxi said that Qi Yannian doesn’t need to stay in Yu city if he’s so stupid. Qi Yannian apologizes to Hei Fengxi. He gets his son to get on knees to him. He asks him to get the paper from Shang family for him. He promises to give his properties to him.

Qi Yannian reveals the chief of Shang family Shang Ye is going to go to Lifang pavilion. Bai Fengxi shows up. She praises Hei Fengxi for getting the properties from Qi family. He tells her that he’s smarter than her. Zhong Li wonders why they need money. Hei Fengxi tells Zhong Li that he needs to raise them.

Does Shang Ye Tell Hei Fengxi the Location of Duanhun Sect?

Hei Fengxi goes to the second floor to watch the beauties dance. Bai Fengxi tells him to go to the first floor because she thinks he can be close to the beauties if he does so. He claims that he came to find the target. Shang Ye shows up.

Bai Fengxi laughs after she saw the men are drawn by the beauty. Hei Fengxi claims that he’s not that kind of man. She doesn’t believe what he said. She’s close to him. She finds out that he blushes. The madam takes Shang Ye to the room. She reveals Hong Luo will join him.

Hei Fengxi stuns Hong Luo. He tells Bai Fengxi to wear Hong Luo’s dress. Because he wants her to dance like Hong Luo. But she rejects it. He reminds her that she will never catch Duanhun Sect if she doesn’t do so. She dances for Shang Ye. But he stops her.

Hei Fengxi asks Shang Ye why he didn’t watch her dancing. She reveals Younger Master Qi praised her dancing skills. He laughs to leak that Qi family will be ruined. He shows the selling salt paper to her. He thinks he’s going to be rich. He adds that Duanhun Sect is going to help him deal with Qi family.

Hei Fengxi hits Shang Ye from his back. He’s surprised that Bai Fengxi is so beautiful. He hugs her when she tries to be close to him. She asks him if he has feelings for her. He admits it. Hei Fengxi asks Shang Ye where Duanhun Sect is.

Shang Ye agrees to draw a map of Duanhun Sect for Hei Fengxi. But he catches the chance to flee. Hei Fengxi and Bai Fengxi chase Shang Ye. Han Pu worries that Bai Fengxi will be hurt. Zhong Li comforts him that Hei Fengxi will protect Bai Fengxi. He tells him to go to sleep after he saw the killers outside.

What Hei Fengxi Finds From the Killer?

Bai Fengxi and Hei Fengxi sneak into the palace of Duanhun Sect. They’re attacked by the killers. They kill all of the killers except the one who fled. Zhong Li wipes off the blood from his sword. He tells Wang Hai to rebuild the stronghold of Yu city.

Hei Fengxi fails to catch the killer. He sighs. Bai Fengxi comforts him that the killer is just good at running away. He shows the handkerchief the killer dropped to her. She finds the mark from the handkerchief. She finds out that the mark is weird. He leaks it’s Locust and Cricket.

Bai Fengxi tells Hei Fengxi that she’s going to take Han Pu to Tianshuang Sect. She goes to pack her stuff. Bai Fengxi takes Han Pu to walk on the street. She finds out that Shang family got ruined. The man reveals there was a big fire in Shang family.

Does Hei Fengxi Save the People of Shang Family?

Han Pu spots Hei Fengxi. Bai Fengxi takes the kid to see Hei Fengxi. Hei Fengxi admits that he burned Shang family. He reveals he saw Shang Ye running away with his families. Bai Fengxi realizes that Hei Fengxi intended to do that. She thinks he got the money from Shang family like he did to Qi family.

Bai Fengxi blames Hei Fengxi for killing the people of Shang family. But she spots the guards of Shang family. She learns that he saved the people of Shang family. She takes Han Pu away. Bai Fengxi takes Han Pu to walk in the woods. She thinks she was stupid in Hei Fengxi’s eyes. She sighs.

Hei Fengxi shows up. He tells Bai Fengxi that he wants to give some money to her. But she rejects it. She adds that she’s not like him who needs money. She mentions what happened. He tells her that he forgave her. She finds the injured bird. Han Pu finds another one. He hands it over to Bai Fengxi.

Bai Fengxi tells Hei Fengxi to raise the two birds with her. But he rejects it. She thinks he doesn’t know the feelings when the small animal loses his mom. She tries to walk away. He stops her and reveals he lost his mom when he was a kid.

She apologizes to him. He says goodbye to her and he promises to raise the bird. Zhong Li takes over the bird from Bai Fengxi. He leaves with Hei Fengxi. Bai Fengxi takes Han Pu to Tai Town. She brags to him that they have one silver leaf because she saved.

He regrets for following her. He believes that he would eat well if he followed Hei Fengxi. She promises to let him eat well. They arrive at the noodle restaurant. They have a seat. Bai Fengxi sees the refugee.

Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3 Ending

Han Pu blows the fire when Bai Fengxi cooks the fish. It makes her eyes hurt. He tells her that he didn’t intend to do that. He runs away. But he encounters the guard of Huang Chao. The guard attacks Han Pu with his sword. Bai Fengxi holds the guard’s sword. She tells him that she’s going to break it.

Who Rules The World Chinese Drama: Episode 3 stars Zhao Lusi and Yang Yang.

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