My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 15 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 15. Do-Ha takes care of Sol-Hee. She wakes up from the ward. She asks him about Deuk-Chan. He reveals the doctors just began Deuk-Chan’s surgery. He asks her if she’s fine. She admits it.

What Happens In My Lovely Liar Episode 15?

My Lovely Liar

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 15.

The doctor shows up. He tells Sol-Hee that she’s fine. He thinks she can go home. Gang-Min hears what the doctor said. He feels happy. Sol-Hee leaves the hospital with Do-Ha. She’s surprised that she passed out. She thinks he was shocked.

But Sol-Hee tells Do-Ha what she meant is Deuk-Chan. She tells him that she was shocked as well. She wonders what Do-Ha will say to Deuk-Chan. He tells her that he wants to ask Deuk-Chan about what happened to him and Eom-Ji. She calls a cab. She tells him that she can go home on her own. She tells him to go to take care of Deuk-Chan.

Sol-Hee gets in the cab. The driver tells her to take the bridge. She agrees to it. Do-Ha joins Gang-Min. He thanks him for helping him. But Gang-Min points out that Sol-Hee did everything for Do-Ha. Gang-Min mentions Sol-Hee broke up with him because of her ability. But he points out that Sol-Hee helped Do-Ha a lot.

Do-Ha tells Gang-Min that he wishes to be a better boyfriend. Gang-Min tells Do-Ha to go home. Do-Ha walks to the vending machine. He asks Gang-Min if he wishes to get some coffee. But Gang-Min chooses the orange juice. Sol-Hee finds out that she doesn’t return home even if she chose the bridge.

Sol-Hee forgives the driver because she thinks he didn’t intend to do that. She gets a message from Gang-Min who tells her that Deuk-Chan’s surgery went well. Deuk-Chan wakes up. He sees Do-Ha. Do-Ha asks Deuk-Chan why he killed Eom-Ji. Deuk-Chan tells Do-Ha that he didn’t intend to do that.

How Does Deuk-Chan Kill Eom-Ji?

It flashes back. Deuk-Chan waits for Seung-Ju at the bar. But Seung-Ju doesn’t come. He goes to the beach to look for him. But he sees Eom-Ji. He notes the blood on her hand. She tells him that she broke up with Seung-Ju. He tells her not to tangle Seung-Ju.

But Eom-Ji tells Deuk-Chan to stop. She reveals she has known he has feelings for Seung-Ju. Deuk-Chan mistakes that Seung-Ju told it to her. She ignores him and she walks away. He chases her and takes her to the mountain. He asks her who told it to her.

Eom-Ji takes a look at Deuk-Chan’s ring. She tells him that she knows he wanted to let her break up with Seung-Ju. He yells at her that he did it because he thought she cannot help Seung-Ju. But she tells him to leave Seung-Ju. She threatens to tell Seung-Ju that he has feelings for him.

Deuk-Chan tells Eom-Ji to stay out of him and Seung-Ju’s lives. She laughs to point out that Seung-Ju had feelings for her ever. He’s furious to grab her neck. He pushes her away and her head hits the stone. He turns around and he finds out that she’s dead.

Deuk-Chan gets a call from his friend who tells him that Seung-Ju and Eom-Ji had a fight. Deuk-Chan realizes that Seung-Ju will be wronged if he left Eom-Ji’s body. So he buries Eom-Ji’s body. He plans to make her look like that she killed herself. He puts her shoes on the beach. He throws her ring into the sea.

But Deuk-Chan finds out that his ring is missing. He returns to the mountain to look for his ring. He doesn’t find it. He knows everything will be over if he burns Eom-Ji’s clothes. But he doesn’t do that because he worries that Seung-Ju will be sent to the prison.

Deuk-Chan puts Eom-Ji’s ring on the clothes. He takes a look at the ring. He decides to keep the ring because he’s envy of Eom-Ji. He takes out the ring from the safe. He gives the ring to Jae-Chan. He asks him to turn in instead of him.

Deuk-Chan tells Do-Ha that he didn’t wish anyone to know his feelings. He apologizes to him. But Do-Ha thinks an apology cannot resolve the trouble because there were many people hurt. Deuk-Chan tears up when he agrees to what Do-Ha said.

Do-Ha thinks Deuk-Chan had a hard time as well. He tries to leave his ward. Deuk-Chan stops Do-Ha. He asks him to take care of himself. Do-Ha walks out of Deuk-Chan’s ward. He runs into Gang-Min. Gang-Min thinks Do-Ha ended the talk. He walks into Deuk-Chan’s ward with Police Officer Hwang.

Does Eom-Ho Apologize to Do-Ha?

The producer watches the news that the real culprit is Deuk-Chan. He decides to apologize to Do-Ha. He thinks what Yeon-Mi said is right that he made an innocent guy look guilty. Do-Ha and Sol-Hee go to Eom-Ji’s funeral. He sees Eom-Ho. He pays his respect to Eom-Ji.

Eom-Ho gets on knees to Do-Ha. He cries to apologize to him. He thinks he cannot face Eom-Ji if he dies. But Do-Ha tells Eom-Ho that he told his sister that he forgave him. Sol-Hee tells Do-Ha that she asked Eom-Ji to help him have a good sleeping.

SEE ALSO: My Lovely Liar K-Drama: Episode 14 Recap & Ending Explained

Do-Ha reveals He slept well since he lives next door to Sol-Hee. Sol-Hee thinks Eom-Ji intended to do that. They leave the funeral. O-Baek brings the food to Cho-Rok. He tells her to eat it with him. But she tells him to leave when she notes that the girl is staring at him.

The girl slaps Cho-Rok’s back. She thinks Cho-Rok saw O-Baek again. Cho-Rok denies it. She thinks O-Baek just dropped by. The girl reminds Cho-Rok that she will sleep with O-Baek if she continues to be close to the guy. Sol-Hee lets Police Officer Hwang give the coffee to Gang-Min.

Do-Ha wonders why Sol-Hee and Gang-Min were close. He complains to her that she called Gang-Min’s first name. She realizes that it bothered him. She calls him dear. She laughs to touch him. She thinks he should tell it to her that she hurt his feelings.

Do-Ha tries to explain it to Sol-Hee. But he sees Cassandra and Chi-Hoon. He calls Sol-Hee dear. The chief cop praises Gang-Min for resolving the case. He thinks he’s going to get promoted. Police Officer Hwang brings the coffee to Gang-Min. He reveals it was given by Sol-Hee.

Episode 15 of My Lovely Liar ends with Sol-Hee starving. Do-Ha texts her. He asks her to come over for dinner. She visits him and she finds out that the smell came from his place. She sees the food he prepared for her. He apologizes to her for telling her a lie.

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