I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 2. Wang Ye thinks the past cause can make the present effect. He thinks it can predict the future. He mentions Jiashen year. He asks his grandmaster if he took train ever.

What Happens In I Am Nobody Episode 2?

I Am Nobody

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 2.

The villagers report to Zhang Xilin that Zhang Chulan beat their children. Zhang Xilin blames Zhang Chulan for electrocuting the kid. He apologizes to the villagers. He thinks his grandson did something wrong. He promises to compensate on the injuries of the kids.

Zhang Xilin promises to go to borrow money from his relatives. But the madam mentions Zhang Chulan doesn’t have a father. Zhang Chulan tries to rush to the madam. But Zhang Xilin drags Zhang Chulan back. He comforts the villagers that he’s going to return the money to them even if he borrows the money from loan sharks. He bows to them and he asks them to trust him.

Zhang Xilin mentions what he told Zhang Chulan to do when he gets bullied. He slaps him and asks him if he endured it. Zhang Chulan tells his grandfather that he actually couldn’t endure it. Zhang Xilin takes away Zhang Chulan’s toy. He makes a leash with the toy.

Zhang Xilin hits Zhang Chulan with the leash. It hurts him. He tells him to hit himself if he cannot endure it. He praises him for helping Xiao Yu. But he points out that he had a fight again. He thinks they have to move out again.

Zhang Xilin drives the carriage. He promises to cook elbow for Zhang Chulan after they reach their new home. But Zhang Chulan tells Zhang Xilin that he’s not hungry. He wonders if he has a father or not. Zhang Xilin thinks Zhang Chulan wishes his father to pick him up.

Zhang Xilin tells Zhang Chulan that his father will come to pick him up when he grows up. Zhang Chulan asks Zhang Xilin why he needs to move out when he has a fight with someone else. Zhang Xilin promises to tell it to Zhang Chulan after he grows up. Zhang Xilin doesn’t know how many years he can accompany Zhang Chulan. Because he’s old. Zhang Chulan hits himself with the lash. Zhang Xilin tells Zhang Chulan to endure it.

Does Yan Yan Ask Zhang Chulan Out?

The people talk about the undress flying hero when Zhang Chulan passes by. Feng Baobao asks Zhang Chulan if the hero was him. He’s scared to run away. She asks him if his arm recovers. He claims that his body is good. But he got hit by the basketball.

Zhang Chulan yells and he asks who threw the ball to him. The guy claims that the ball was thrown by him. He asks Zhang Chulan if he has a problem. Zhang Chulan tells the guy that it’s fine. But the guy asks Zhang Chulan to pick up the basketball for him.

Zhang Chulan cries when he lies in the bed after he picked up the basketball for the guy. He hits himself with the lash. He remembers his father told him that his luck rises when he cannot hang in there. Yan Yan adds him as her friend. He finds out that she’s a beauty.

Yan Yan texts Zhang Chulan. She tells him that she wants to teach him to skate. He agrees to it. Feng Baobao shows up when Zhang Chulan is taking class. She tells him to go to see someone with her. But he tells her that he has a business.

Feng Baobao shows Zhang Chulan’s undress photo to him. He tells her that he actually has a business. But she ignores him and she asks him to wait for her phone. Yan Yan texts Zhang Chulan. She asks her if he wants to see her looks. He agrees to it so that she sends her skating footage to him.

SEE ALSO: I Am Nobody Chinese Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

Episode 2 of I Am Nobody ends with Zhang Chulan telling Feng Baobao that he didn’t expect that she’s a good person. She tells him that he has bad luck because he’s a fool. She lets the workers drop him. She thinks he was stupid to believe that there was girl having feelings for him.

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