Lovely Runner Episode 2 Recap: The Love Sun-Jae Forgot

This is the recap for Lovely Runner: Episode 2. Sun-Jae tries to leave the school with In-Hyuk. But he finds out that Im Sol is standing in the rain when she cries. He walks to her and he puts his umbrella over her. He takes her away when the girls think he’s bullying Im Sol.

They take shelter from the rain when they hide in the building. Im Sol takes a look at Sun-Jae. It makes him be close to her. She explains it to him that she went to see him because she mistook him for her dog. He returns the watch to her. She runs away. He chases her because she took away his umbrella.

Lovely Runner: Episode 2

She arrives at the classroom when she blames herself for taking his umbrella. She walks into the classroom and she’s excited to greet everyone. But her best friend Hyun-Joo is interested in why she skipped the class. Im Sol’s mother Bok-Soon is working in the videotape store.

She finds out that the customer didn’t return the videotape after he rented it. She calls Geun-Deok and she asks him to return it to her. The monk shows up with a hat. He asks Bok-Soon for money. But she knows he’s her son Im Geum. She drives him out of her store.

Hyun-Joo pokes Im Sol in the class. It makes Im Sol hit the button of her watch. Im Sol thinks she will travel back. But nothing happens. Im Sol is asked to answer the question. She pretends to be in her period. She runs out of the classroom.

She goes to the gym to look for Sun-Jae. She finds him and she smiles when she looks at him. But she smells the smoke. She watches outside from the wall. She sees some people smoking. She joins the battle when Tae-Sung is fighting with the guys.

She scolds the guy when she takes out the cigarettes from his pocket. Tae-Sung sees some guys being close to them. He takes Im Sol to flee. They hide somewhere and they get rid of those guy. Im Sol shows up after the guys left. Tae-Sung grabs the cigarettes from her. She recognizes him when she fights with him for the cigarettes.

She remembers she looked at him with adoration when he played bass on the stage. She’s excited when she sees him. He returns the cigarettes to her after he saw the teacher. The teacher thinks Im Sol smoked when she sees the cigarettes she holds. She denies it and she turns around. But she finds out that Tae-Sung fled.

The teacher punishes Im Sol and he lets her raise her hands. Sun-Jae mistakes that Im Sol smoked. He doesn’t believe what she says. He leaves. Tae-Sung runs into Im Sol on the campus. He asks her not to care for him. He leaves after he saw Ga-Hyun. Ga-Hyun bumps Im Sol. Im Sol tries to have a fight with Ga-Hyun. But she gives in after she saw the two followers of Ga-Hyun.

Im Sol meets with Hyun-Joo at the restaurant. She asks her to teach her how to be close to a guy. Hyun-Joo persuades Im Sol to be the friend of the guy first. She reveals Im Sol confessed her feelings to Tae-Sung. Im Sol returns home. She finds the letter. She learns that she described Tae-Sung as a star. She’s furious to crush the love letter. She texts Sun-Jae and asks him to be her friend. But he rejects it.

Im Sol arrives at the bus stop. She sees Sun-Jae helping the girl who’s in a wheelchair. She waves at him. But he ignores her. She follows him to get on the bus. He gets off the bus. But she fails to get off the bus because she picked up his umbrella.

He chases the bus and he lets the driver stop the bus. Im Sol gets off the bus. He grabs his umbrella from her when he claims that he stopped the bus for the umbrella. She learns that she rejects her because he thought she smoked. She tries to show her fingers to him. But she pokes his nose.

It’s seen by In-Hyuk. In-Hyuk follows Sun-Jae. He teases him. He reveals Im Sol was the girl who chased Tae-Sung. Sun-Jae gets angry. Im Sol sees the poster of the Swimming Tournament. She remembers Sun-Jae retired after the tournament.

She goes to see him. She tries to tell the truth to him that his shoulder will be hurt if he takes part in the tournament. But the time stops when she tries to tell it to him. He breaks the record when he practices swimming. His team member Hyung-Gu isn’t happy.

Lovely Runner: Episode 2

Sun-Jae walks out of the swimming pool. Im Sol is waiting for him. She follows him and persuades him to check his injury. But he rejects it. Bok-Soon and Geun-Deok have a fight for the videotape. Tae-Sung is taken to the police station because he had a fight with the guys. Detective Kim shows up. Tae-Sung leaves because Detective Kim is his father.

Sun-Jae runs into the Grandma Celestial. Grandma Celestial reveals there’s a water ghost following Sun-Jae after she got the cash from him. He doesn’t know the Grandma Celestial is dressed up by Im Sol. The cash flies away from Im Sol. It stops in front of Tae-Sung.

Tae-Sung catches the cash. He mentions the love letter Im Sol wrote to him. She sees the injury on his hand. She remembers he dropped out. She dress his wound and persuades him not to be hurt for his parents. But the cash flies to the gutter when they have a fight.

Im Sol gets angry. Tae-Sung follows her home when he tries to give his cash to her. But they run into Sun-Jae. Sun-Jae realizes that he was fooled after he saw the Grandma Celestial clothes Im Sol wears. He’s furious to return home.

She fails to persuade him. She finds out that they’re neighbors. He cannot sleep because her words. He goes to the swimming pool to practice. He hears the sound when he takes a shower. Hyung-Gu sneaks into the swimming pool to steal Sun-Jae’s swimming pants. But he’s caught by Im Sol.

He flees before Sun-Jae comes. Sun-Jae finds Im Sol. He chases her and he falls into the water with her. He mistakes that she stole his pants. He thinks what she says are lies. He leaves the swimming pool. Geun-Deok walks into Sun-Jae’s room with the snack. He finds the videotape from under the bed. He’s startled.

Sun-Jae returns home. He gets a call from his friend. He learns that the one who stole his pants was Hyung-Gu. He realizes that he misunderstood Im Sol. It’s raining. Im Sol walks alone the street. She tries to cross the street. But she’s startled when she sees the cars.

She moves forward. She remembers Sun-Jae ran to her when the car rushes to her. Sun-Jae saves Im Sol before she’s hit by the car. He scolds her. She passes out in his arms. He remembers she put the umbrella over him after she mistook him for the courier.

SEE ALSO: Lovely Runner: Episode 1 Recap

He visited her and let her fall asleep on his arm. She woke up when the customer visited. Sun-Jae worried that he would be caught by Im Sol. He rented the videotape from her. He ran out of the store. His memories are back. He hugs his girl tightly in the rain. We went back to Sun-Jae’s room after Sun-Jae killed himself. The love photo of him and Im Sol appears on the table.

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