Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 12 Recap

This is the recap for K-Drama Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 12. Ha Ram grabs Cheon-Ki’s hand. The ring begins to shine. Ha Ram gets into the demon world. He looks at his hands, and finds out that he can see it. He touches Cheon-Ki’s face when she walks to him.

Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 12 Recap

Lovers of the Red Sky

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for K-Drama Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 12.

Ha Ram tells Cheon-Ki that he can see her. But she reminds him that Demon King is behind them. Demon King laughs and tries to take away Cheon-Ki’s eyes. But the ring protects her. Cheon-Ki sees Ha Ram falling in front of her. She cries. Grand Prince Yangmyung shows up and sees the looks of Ha Ram.

Grand Prince Yangmyung tries to take Cheon-Ki away. But she takes off his hand because she worries about Ha Ram. She asks Grand Prince Yangmyung for saving Ha Ram. He calls the bodyguard and asks him to go to invite a doctor. Cheon-Ki refuses to leave the jail. Grand Prince Yangmyung reminds her that she can do nothing for Ha Ram. He takes her away.

Old Man cures Ha Ram with his holy power. He tells him that the only stuff which can protect him is the ring. The follower reports to King Seongjo that Ha Ram passed out. King Seongjo thinks Demon King is going to wake up. Grand Prince Juhyang is told about Ha Ram’s passing out. He asks Mi-Soo about it.

Mi-Soo thinks Demon King is going to wake up. Grand Prince Juhyang intends to visit King Seongjo, asking him for releasing Ha Ram.

Grand Prince Yangmyung tells Cheon-Ki to drink the tea. But she wants to continue her work. He asks her why she wants to paint the portrait since she has known that she will get hurt. She tells him that she does that for Ha Ram. She adds that she saw Demon King when she visited her lover.

Cheon-Ki tears up because she thinks Ha Ram was hurt by Demon King. Grand Prince Yangmyung hands over the tea to Cheon-Ki. He tells her to drink it. She begs him to save Ha Ram. He feels sorry for getting her involved. Cheon-Ki thinks of Ha Ram. She tells herself to forget the guy.

Cheon-Ki closes her eyes. She travels to temple, and stares at the broken portrait. Demon King attacks Cheon-Ki and makes her see the real looks of King Yeongjong. She’s startled and begins to draw. Ha Ram wakes up from the jail. He tries to look for Cheon-Ki. He remembers Demon King attacked his lover.

King Seongjo summons Grand Prince Yangmyung to his palace. He asks him if Ha Ram woke up. Grand Prince Yangmyung admits it. Grand Prince Yangmyung asks his father what will happen to Cheon-Ki after the sealing ceremony ends. King Seongjo admits that some bad things will happen to the girl.

SEE ALSO: Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 13 Recap

Grand Prince Yangmyung thinks they shouldn’t do such a thing to Cheon-Ki. But King Seongjo tells Grand Prince Yangmyung that the girl’s fate is decided by the portrait. Grand Prince Juhyang tries to visit King Seongjo. But he’s stopped by Chief Eunuch. Grand Prince Juhyang pushes Chief Eunuch aside and tries to open the door. But he hears King Seongjo promises to give the title “crown prince” to Grand Prince Yangmyung.

Grand Prince Yangmyung tells King Seongjo that Grand Prince Juhyang is a better candidate than him. King Seongjo is against it because Grand Prince Juhyang wants to get Demon King. Grand Prince Juhyang is furious to leave the king’s palace. He returns home and begins to practice archery. He tells Young-Hwe that King Seongjo intends to get Grand Prince Yangmyung to be the next king. Shwen-Nae visits Grand Prince Juhyang. He gets on knees to him.

Won-Ho grabs Ahn Gyeon’s collar and yells at him. Ahn Gyeon reminds Won-Ho that people are looking at them. He takes him to his office. Won-Ho blames Ahn Gyeon for getting Cheon-Ki to draw the portrait. He tells him that she saw Demon King.

Cheon-Ki completes the drawing of King Yeongjong. She takes a look at the ring, and remembers Grand Prince Yangmyung told her that Ha Ram is fine. Choi Jung walks in the painting room. He tells Cheon-Ki that Won-Ho went to see Ahn Gyeon. Cheon-Ki runs to Ahn Gyeon’s office. She tries to open the door. But she hears Won-Ho telling Ahn Gyeon that he’s a bad person. Won-Ho opens the door. He sees Cheon-Ki.

King Seongjo hears the crying of owls. He tells Chief Eunuch to take Ha Ram to see him. But he’s told that the guy is in the jail. Chief Eunuch tells King Seongjo that Grand Prince Juhyang visited when he talked with Grand Prince Yangmyung.

Lovers of the Red Sky: Episode 12 stars Ahn Hyo-Seop, Kim You-Jung and Gong Myung.

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