The Last Immortal: Who Is Qing Lin?

The Last Immortal introduces Qing Lin as Devil Queen. Who Qing Lin is? Here is what we know.

The Last Immortal: Who Is Qing Lin?

Qing Lin

Qing Lin is a nine-tailed fox like Hong Ruo before she becomes Devil Queen. But she’s not a princess of Fox Clan. So she’s jealous of Hong Ruo. He decides to take the man from Hong Ruo after she knew Hong Ruo likes Lin Mo. She pretends that her core is broken.

She asks Lin Mo to get together with him when she tells him that she’s going to die. She turns into a demon in Devil God’s help. She kills many immortals and monsters. She absorbs their their powers. But what she did is known by true god Yi He.

Yi He sends her to Abyss Prison. She plans to get the power of Phoenix Jade. She lets her followers draw Hong Yi to Abyss Prison. She leaves the prison with Hong Yi. She plants Demon Flower in his body. She intends to take revenge. She chooses Hong Yi’s body.

But Hong Ruo uses her power to protect Hong Yi. So Qing Lin takes Hong Ruo’s body. She uses her body to get together with Lin Mo. She begins her evil plan. She works with the traitors of Immortal Realm Hua Mo and Feng Ming. She kills Lan Feng and the immortals in Great Lake Mountain.

She wrongs Hong Yi as a killer. A Yin believes that Hong Yi is innocent. So she releases him. It makes Gu Jin kill A Yin. Qing Lin confesses what she did to Hong Yi and Gu Jin. Gu Jin knows his aunt did many things for him. But it’s too late. Hong Ruo sacrifices herself for not letting Qing Lin hurt more people. Qing Lin flees after she lost Hong Ruo’s body.

Qing Lin is the villain we hate most. She kills many people and she fools many people. She’s the main reason Gu Jin killed A Yin. She watches the immortals and the monster kill each other. She enjoys it when she gets benefit from it.

But she’s also deeply affectionate woman. She can give everything to Lin Mo if he takes a look at her. But he only has Hong Ruo in her eyes. She uses Hong Ruo’s body to date Lin Mo even if he knows what he loves is the woman she hates most.


Qing Lin is pretty. She’s like a poisonous rose which hurts anyone who’s close to her. She wears a purple dress with a purple crown. Her face is good looking. Her lips are soft. It makes people want to kiss her. But we know she’s evil when she speaks.


She’s very sly. She hates immortal clan and monster clan. She gets the mind of her own. She knows to retreat when her rival is powerful. She’s heartless to kill her rival when her rival is weak.

Who Plays Qing Lin in The Last Immortal?

Qing Lin is played by Liu Li. It’s her first time to play a role in a Chinese drama. Her acting isn’t bad as a rookie. She’s also a single mother. She just had her 21 years old birthday. She will be famous actress if she keeps playing more roles. Because she has a good looking face.

Episode 1

Qing Lin shows up from the demon flower. She learns that the Phoenix Gem is in Feng Yin’s body. He orders Zhuo Ying to kill Feng Yin.

Episode 4

Hong Yi falls into Abyss Prison. The demon flower tries to hurt him. Qing Lin claims that Hong Yi belongs to her. She tries to catch Hong Yi. But the god guides Hong Yi to flee to the Wutong Tree. Qing Lin fails to hurt Hong Yi.

Episode 5

Gu Jin and A Yin go to Abyss Prison to look for Feng Yin’s soul. The demon flowers attack Gu Jin. Qing Lin senses the Phoenix Gem. She goes to look for Gu Jin and A Yin. But she doesn’t find them because A Yin wears the clothes of invisibility.

She finds them after the clothes of invisibility fail. Qing Lin casts her dark ball to Gu Jin. Gu Jin’s sword drops. Gu Jin is hurt. He spits blood to his sword. The red fox Hong Yi carries Gu Jin and A Yin to flee. Qing Lin turns into a dark ball. She leaves Abyss Prison with Hong Yi. She doesn’t take Phoenix Gem because she fears Three Heads Dragon.

Episode 6

Qing Lin meets Zhuo Ying in the woods. He reports to her that Gu Jin took the clan emblem to Guixu Mountain. The demons show up. They greet Qing Lin. She leaves them to Zhuo Ying. She asks Zhuo Ying to take back Phoenix Gem. She reveals she can release demons from Abyss Prison if she gets Phoenix Gem.

She gets into Lin Mo’s palace when Lin Mo is missing Hong Ruo. She complains to him that he misses another woman after she has suffered for him for centuries. She mentions he wanted to leave Hong Ruo. It flashes back. Lin Mo gives Qing Lin a treatment. She’s tired to be in his arms. She reveals she’s going to pass away because her monster core is broken. She wishes to marry him. He comforts her that he will stay with her. We return to the present. Qing Lin is furious to leave Lin Mo’s palace.

Hong Mei persuades Hong Ruo for forgiving Lin Mo when they’re in Hong Ruo’s room. It flashes back. Hong Ruo has a fight with Qing Lin in the desert. She learns that she has been a demon. She cries to blame her for acting for getting Lin Mo’s guilt. Qing Lin tells Hong Ruo that she doesn’t wish her to get Lin Mo. She reveals Hong Ruo’s older brother and her sister-in-law were killed by Immortal Clan. She laughs to tell Hong Ruo that she lost. But Yi He sends Qing Lin to Abyss Prison.

Episode 7

Qing Lin absorbs some guys’ powers in the cave. She lets Zhuo Ying in. She asks him about the Phoenix Gem. She beats him after knowing he failed. He explains it to her that the Phoenix Gem was put the seal. She realizes that the seal is related to Great Lake Mountain’s Immortal Vein. She gives the stuff to Zhuo Ying. She lets him go to give the stuff to the person he targets. She asks him to let the person plant demon flower seed in Great Lake Mountain’s Immortal Vein. She reveals she cannot maintain the shape. She thinks she should look for a nine-tailed fox body to possess. She targets Hong Yi.

Qing Lin tries to hurt Hong Yi in the forest. But she gives up her plan because Hong Ruo showed up. She flees. She tries to hurt Hong Yi again after he left Hong Ruo. But she’s hurt by the beads of Hong Ruo. She walks in the forest. She tries her best to maintain her shape. Zhuo Ying shows up. He asks her what happened. She reveals Hong Ruo spent half her monster power to protect Hong Yi. He persuades her to find another nine-tailed fox to possess. Because Hong Yi is protected by the wooded beads. But she targets Hong Ruo.

Episode 11

Qing Lin tries to get into Hong Ruo’s body when Hong Ruo is healing herself. Hong Ruo drives Qing Lin away. She makes her show up. Qing Lin reveals Hong Yi helped her leave Abyss Prison. She thinks Hong Ruo is very smart after Hong Ruo realized that the demon flower was for Hong Yi’s body. She tells her that she will use her body to ruin all of the things she loves. She laughs to tell Hong Ruo that Lin Mo will be happy if he knows it’s her. She possesses Hong Ruo before Hong Ruo ruins herself.

Episode 17

Hua Mo meets with Hong Ruo in the cave. He points out that she’s not Hong Ruo because Hong Ruo had a fight with him ever. Qing Lin laughs to show up. She tells Hua Mo that she can help his Birds Island be a most famous sect in immortal realm if he helps her rule the Three Realms. But he wishes to get the whole immortal realm. She agrees to it and she promises to help his daughter be the lord of immortal realm. But she asks him to let his daughter do something for her.

Episode 21

Hong Ruo cries in the mirror. Qing Lin tells Hong Ruo not to waste her time because she gave half her demon power to Hong Yi. She reveals her demon power is going to help Hong Yi promote. She tells Hong Ruo that she will ruin everything she cares.

Episode 24

Gu Jin and Yuanshen Sword go to the desert. Qing Lin is waiting for them. She mentions Gu Jin failed to protect his sect even if he’s a true god. She reveals she used Hong Yi to ruin Great Lake Mountain. She laughs. She takes Phoenix Gem away from Gu Jin.

Episode 26

Hong Ruo persuades the monsters to go to immortal realm to take revenge. But Hong Yi shows up with Lin Mo. He blames Qing Lin for robbing his aunt’s body. She lets the bodyguards fight with Hong Yi. Because the bodyguards have been demons.

Qing Lin persuades Lin Mo for taking her side. But he fights with her because he only wishes Hong Ruo to come back. She takes out Hong Ruo’s core. Gu Jin shows up. Qing Lin admits to him that she wronged A Yin. He asks her about the mole of Immortal Clan. She refuses to leak it. He kills her.

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