A Journey to Love: Episode 8 Recap & Ending

These are the Recap & Ending for A Journey to Love: Episode 8. Zhou Jian is furious when he takes his troops to chase Ning Yuanzhou. Ning Yuanzhou looks at the map in the carriage. He wonders when they will reach Shu City. Yuan Lu reveals they need two hours to reach the city.

Why Doesn’t Yang Ying Wish to Leave?

A Journey to Love

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for A Journey to Love: Episode 8.

Yu Shisan mentions Zhou Jian will reach them within one hour. Qian Zhao thinks they cannot avoid the fight. Ren Ruyi asks Yuan Lu for two bombs. He hands over the bombs to her. She gets off the carriage. She rides the horse to the gorge.

She castes the bombs to the gorge. The gorge is bombed. The rocks roll down from the mountain. She returns to the carriage. She reports to Ning Yuanzhou that they have one more hour. He decides to go to Sky Star Canyon. He believes that they can defeat Zhou Jian in the canyon.

Ren Ruyi thinks some of them will be killed if they deal with 500 soldiers. She’s surprised that Ning Yuanzhou wants to sacrifice his followers. He explains to her that Danyang Prince won’t give them a hard time if they win the battle.

Ren Ruyi wants to do something. But Yu Shisan worries that Ren Ruyi will be hurt. Ren Ruyi mentions what Ning Yuanzhou told her that they’re partners. Ning Yuanzhou tells Ren Ruyi to kill Zhou Jian. Yang Ying refuses to leave with Du Changshi.

She tells Ning Yuanzhou that she wishes to die with them. But he tells her to listen to him. Because his duty is to guard her and Du Changshi. Yang Ying claims that she’s the chief of the group. She thinks she shouldn’t give up them.

Yang Ying thinks she and Du Changshi won’t be safe in An Kingdom if something bad happens to Ning Yuanzhou. She mentions what he told her to be brave. She asks him to let her stay with the people because she doesn’t fear her death.

Do Ning Yuanzhou and Ren Ruyi Catch Zhou Jian?

Ren Ruyi agrees to what Yang Ying said that she has a duty as a princess. She tells Ning Yuanzhou to let Yang Ying see the big scene. She thinks Yang Ying will be calm when she arrives in An Kingdom. She hands over the knife to Yang Ying. She tells her to kill the person when the person wants to kill her.

Ning Yuanzhou wonders where Yu Shisan went. Qian Zhao reveals he asked Yu Shisan to poison the water. Zhou Jian takes 700 soldiers to arrive at the canyon. Sun Lang tells the soldiers that they were poisoned. The soldiers are scared.

Ning Yuanzhou and Ren Ruyi catch Zhou Jian. Ning Yuanzhou lets the soldiers drop their weapons. Yang Ying is excited to tell her men that they won. But Yuan Lu passes out. Qian Zhao takes Yuan Lu to the hotel to give him a treatment.

Yang Ying sees the dead bodies. She’s shocked. Ren Ruyi wonders what happened to Yuan Lu. Ning Yuanzhou reveals Yuan Lu was sick. Ren Ruyi lets Ning Yuanzhou look for a doctor for Yuan Lu. He mentions what the doctor said that Yuan Lu cannot live past 20.

Ren Ruyi wonders why Yu Shisan doesn’t worry about it. Ning Yuanzhou reveals Yu Shisan wishes Yuan Lu to be alive like last time. He wonders why Ren Ruyi tried her best when she fought. She reveals she wished to taste the feelings he mentioned. She adds that she wanted to feel the trust of her partner.

SEE ALSO: A Journey to Love: Episode 7 Recap & Ending

Episode 8 of A Journey to Love ends with Ren Ruyi taking off the flower from Ning Yuanzhou’s hair. She tells him that she won’t force him to give birth with her if he lets her kill Zhou Jian. She agrees to what he said that there many good men in the world.

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