Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

This is the Recap & Ending for Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Episode 3. Ho-Gyeong tells Jang Uk that she doesn’t wish him to take Bu-Yeon away. He mentions what he said that he got married with Bu-Yeon. Ho-Gyeong walks to Bu-Yeon. She asks her if she betrayed her.

Who’s the Witness of Jang Uk and Bu-Yeon’s Marriage?

Alchemy of Souls Season 2

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Episode 3.

Bu-Yeon tells Ho-Gyeong that she got married with Jang Uk because she doesn’t want to live the life she wishes her to live. Ho-Gyeong thinks Jang Uk forced her daughter to get married with him. She asks the people to do something. But they don’t take actions.

Ho-Yeon reminds Jang Uk that Park Jin will repay it if he doesn’t release Bu-Yeon. Jang Uk blames Ho-Yeon for using Park Jin to threaten him. Ho-Yeon yells at Jang Uk that they don’t fear him at all. Jang Uk hits the stage with his sword.

SEE ALSO: Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Episode 2 Recap & Ending

Dang-Gu complains to Sang-Ho that Park Jin let him go to Unanimous Assembly. He runs into Cho-Yeon. He mentions her sister will be the chief of Jin family. She brings up that he posted her sister’s portraits. She blames him for doing it. She worries that Bu-Yeon will stay in the house all her life.

The bodyguards run to Unanimous Assembly. Sang-Ho believes that something happened inside Unanimous Assembly. Jang Uk defeats the bodyguards with just one hit. The family leader worries that Jang Uk will take their lives if they offend Jang Uk.

Ho-Yeon has a fight with the family leader because the family leader is too timid. Jin Mu stops the two. He tells Jang Uk to bring the witness of his marriage to them. But Jang Uk refuses to provide the witness. It makes Jin Mu smiles.

Bu-Yeon tells the people that she has the witness. She drops the lantern and tells the people that the witness is in her belly. Ho-Yeon tells Heo Yeom to check Bu-Yeon’s belly. But Heo Yeon rejects it because he can only know if Bu-Yeon has a baby after 21 days. He tells the people to bless the couple since they love each other. But Ho-Gyeong walks away without blessing her daughter.

Dang-Gu runs into Jang Uk. He wonders why he came to Unanimous Assembly. Jang Uk ignores Dang-Gu. He walks away. Cho-Yeon stops Bu-Yeon. She’s surprised that she can leave. Bu-Yeon tells Cho-Yeon that she’s going to leave with her husband. She walks away. Cho-Yeon realizes that Jang Uk helped Bu-Yeon leave the house.

Ho-Yeon thinks they don’t have to give Jinyowon to someone else since Jang Uk is Ho-Gyeong’s son-in-law. Heo Yeom agrees to what Ho-Yeon said. Jin Mu praises Ho-Gyeong for letting Jang Uk keep Jinyowon. Bu-Yeon follows Jang Uk to return Jang family. She feels happy when Servant Lee thinks she returned to the house again.

Do-Joo is surprised to see Bu-Yeon. Jang Uk tells Do-Joo to prepare a room for Bu-Yeon. He returns to his room. Do-Joo takes a look at Bu-Yeon. She finds out that she wears the clothes of Jin family. Bu-Yeon leaks that she attended Unanimous Assembly.

Do-Joo realizes that Jang Uk went to pick Bu-Yeon up. Bu-Yeon tells Do-Joo that she will live in the house from now on. Seo Yul realizes that Bu-Yeon has feelings for Jang Uk after Dang-Gu told him what happened at Unanimous Assembly.

Seo Yul doesn’t believe that Jang Uk would forget Mu-Deok. Dang-Gu agrees to what Seo Yul said when he feels sad. He thinks his friend did it for a reason. Bu-Yeon takes the lantern to her room. She feels happy when she touches the lantern. She thinks the lantern helped her get together with Jang Uk.

Bu-Yeon remembers that the lantern was turned off when she touched it. She thinks Jang Uk turned it off for her. But she gives up the mind. She tries to turn on the lantern. But she fails. She sees a sword on the table. She picks up the sword. She sees the killing scene. She’s startled to give up the sword. She’s surprised that she turned on the lantern.

Jang Uk shows up. He asks Bu-Yeon if she turned on the lantern. She’s not sure about it. She thinks her power is back after she got some memories. He lets her turn on the lantern again. She makes it. He praises her and thinks she will get all of her powers back if she keeps trying it.

Bu-Yeon is moved. She tells Jang Uk that she worried about it when he got angry. He confesses that he did it because she told a lie to the people. She realizes that he didn’t get angry because her mother. She reminds him that they cannot leave the place without their baby’s help.

Jang Uk tries to explain the baby to Bu-Yeon. But he finds out that she’s putting her hands on her belly. He complains to her that she looks like that she has a baby. She doesn’t know what to do since Heo Yeom wants to check her belly after 21 days.

Jang Uk thinks the only way to cover the lie is to make a baby with Bu-Yeon. Bu-Yeon smiles to walk to Jang Uk. She tells him that she hopes that he was the one who turned off the lantern for her. He asks her if she wants him to create the witness with her.

Bu-Yeon kisses Jang Uk. She reminds him that he has the duty to do so because he’s her husband now. She tries to leave. But he’s rude to hold her arm. It hurts her. He takes a look at her back. He asks her about it. She reveals Ho-Gyeong sewed the tracking thread into her flesh.

Bu-Yeon believes that Ho-Gyeong is summoning her. Ho-Gyeong summons Bu-Yeon. She tells her that she doesn’t wish her to stay with Jang Uk. She asks her to return home. Do-Joo takes care of Bu-Yeon’s back. Bu-Yeon feels painful. Do-Joo intends to ask Jang Uk to take Bu-Yeon home.

Bu-Yeon stops Do-Joo. Because she wants to bear the pain on her own. Do-Joon reports to Jang Uk that Bu-Yeon wants to endure the pain. He tells her to just give the ointment to Bu-Yeon. He takes the sword to walk away. She wonders why he’s cold to Bu-Yeon.

Bu-Yeon sweats because of the pain. She wishes her mother to stop it. He sees Jang Uk passing by. But he leaves. Jin Mu thinks Bu-Yeon looks like Naksu. But she’s too weak. He’s told that So-I came to ask for the medicine. He decides to use So-I.

Yeom-Su shows up with the medicine when So-I lets her followers dunk the guy for money. Jang Uk breaks into Ho-Gyeong’s room and ruins her item. He tells her that his wife couldn’t sleep because of her. He leaves her room. Jang Uk returns home to see Bu-Yeon. He finds out that she falls asleep.

Bu-Yeon wakes up. She finds out that he doesn’t feel any pain. Yeom-Su asks So-I to repay the medicine. He tells her to take Bu-Yeon to see Jin Mu. He reminds her that she’s alive because of the medicine. She promises to bring the girl to Jin Mu. He leaves. She takes a look at the medicine.

Seo Yul meets with Ju-Wol. He tells her that he wants to see the person who gave him the medicine. But she tells him that the person doesn’t want to see him. He asks her if the person is So-I. She admits it and reveals Jin Mu is behind So-I. She confesses that she doesn’t want to have a business with a woman like So-I. She asks him if he stays at her place for concealing his illness. He denies it.

Do-Joo goes to see Jang Uk. She asks him to explain it. He feels sorry for not telling her that he got married. She offers to have a proper wedding. She claims that she won’t call him lord. He laughs to tell her to prepare for the wedding.

Do-Joo is surprised that Jang Uk wishes her to do so. But he tells her that he wishes her to prepare for the wedding of her and Park Jin. She learns that he wishes his past to go. She tells him to throw away the red bird egg. Because she worries that Mu-Deok will take him away. He takes out the red bird egg. He believes that Mu-Deok won’t call him. Bu-Yeon passes by. She hears the talk. She feels happy because she doesn’t get pain. She tries to go to see Jang Uk to tell the good news to him. But she gives up the mind. Because she thinks he doesn’t worry about her.

Alchemy of Souls Season 2: Episode 3 Ending

Episode 3 of Alchemy of Souls Season 2 ends with Jang Uk finding out that his red jade glows. He runs to the grave of Mu-Deok. He sees a girl who’s waiting for him The girl turns around. She finds out that she’s Bu-Yeon. She tells him that the one who called him was her.

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