Everyone Loves Me: Episode 13 Recap

This is the recap for Everyone Loves Me: Episode 13. Yue Qianling lets Chen Xinyi live in her house after knowing Chen Xinyi doesn’t have a place to live. Gu Xun visits Yue Qianling. But he sees Chen Xinyi. He tries to hand over the milk tea to Yue Qianling.

Yue Qianling asks Gu Xun to give the milk tea to Chen Xinyi because she doesn’t wish to let Chen Xiyi see her drink. He has to give his milk tea to Chen Xinyi. He gives the documentaries to Yue Qianling. Chen Xinyi takes out the milk teas.

Everyone Loves Me: Episode 13

She reveals the milk tea could only be gotten when Gu Xun has lined up for two hours. She suspects the two’s relationship. She cleans Yue Qianling’s room. She sees Gu Xun’s drawing Yue Qianling concealed. She laughs because she thinks the two will get together.

Previous Episode

Yue Qianling returns to her room. She finds out that Chen Xinyi cleaned the room for her. She’s excited to ask Chen Xinyi to clean the kitchen for her as well. Jiang Junnan calls Gu Xun in the morning. He brings a bad news to him. Yue Qianling wakes up. She sees Chen Xinyi cooking in the kitchen.

She tastes the bread. She finds out that it’s very delicious. Someone rings the doorbell. She goes to open the door. She sees Gu Xun. He asks her to go to Beijing with him. He walks away. She yells at him when she claims that she doesn’t want to accept the task.

She calls Huang Jie and she reveals she’s going to go to Beijing. Huang Jie is surprised because Jiang Yishi went to Beijing as well. She reveals Jiang Yishi went to see Ling Yu. Yue Qianling is shocked. But she thinks she won’t sit with Gu Xun on the plane.

Chen Xinyi hears what Yue Qianling said. She calls the airline company. She asks her to change her ticket to business class. Gu Xun and Yue Qianling are waiting for the cab. Jiang Junnan calls Gu Xun. He thinks they were fooled by someone.

But Gu Xun worries that it will affect Yue Qianling because only he, Jiang Junnan and Yue Qianling knew the project. Jiang Junnan thinks Yue Qianling changed Gu Xun. Jiang Yishi watches Ling Yu’s promotional video. He thinks they need Ling Yu to promote their game.

Yue Qianling watches Ling Yu’s video in the game. Ling Yu becomes a bartender in the video. The people attack Ling Yu because of what she did. Yue Qianling takes Ling Yu’s side. She thinks Ling Yu should earn money because he taught the Tai Chi for free to the kids.

Gu Xun reminds her that Lin Zhi can have two faces like Ling Yu. She agrees to what he said. She puts her hand on his arm. She laughs and draws her idea. They watch Ling Yu when she practices. Yue Qianling finds out that Ling Yu mastered all of the weapons.

They go to see Ling Yu when she takes a break. Yue Qianling introduces herself to Ling Yu. She mentions she sent the role to her. She thinks Ling Yu is suitable for Lin Zhi. But Ling Yu rejects Yue Qianling because Jiang Yishi gave her better offer.

Ling Yu’s assistant is hurt. He’s sent to the hospital. Ling Yu is lack of an assistant. Yue Qianling recommends Gu Xun as Ling Yu’s assistant. Gu Xun practices with Ling Yu. She promises to listen to him if he can follow her steps.

She plays the game after the shoot. Yue Qianling volunteers to join Ling Yu with Gu Xun. Ling Yu agrees to it. Ling Yu plays the game with the two. She finds out that Yue Qianling and Gu Xun were team members. Yue Qianling shows her drawing to Ling Yu. She thinks Ling Yu is like Lin Yu who thinks what she does is right.

Gu Xun remembers there were many investors rejecting him when he showed his proposal to them. He’s surprised that Yue Qianling understood him. She takes him to the bakery. She lets him line up because there’re many people in front of the bakery.

She goes to buy drinks. She returns and gets a message from Ling Yu who agrees to work with them. Yue Qianling is excited to hug Gu Xun. He asks her to think about a present for him. He reveals he intends to give a present to a girl. She mistakes that he wants to give a present to Ling Yu. She shows the keyboard to him. She’s furious to leave.

Gu Xun and Yue Qianling return home. Gu Xun receives two keyboards. He gives one of the keyboards to Yue Qianling. Stella has a meeting with Jiang Yishi and Gu Xun for deciding who will get the investment. Jiang Yishi introduces his pet system to the people.

Gu Xun tells the people that Ling Yu is going to endorse Lin Zhi. He admits that Jiang Yishi’s project is good. But he insists on doing single-player game. He gives an impassioned speech. The 9th Business Department gets the investment in the end.

Huang Jie returns the 1st Department with Yue Qianling. She reveals she was moved by Gu Xun. Jiang Yishi lets Yue Qianling go to his office. He asks her to design the pets of Love Manager. She returns to her office. She reveals Jiang Yishi let her share the work experience when she was in 9th Business Department.

Next Episode

Huang Jie believes that Jiang Yishi wishes Yue Qianling to take a stand. Gu Xun visits Yue Qianling. He invites her to take part in the gathering of 9th Business Department. She’s happy. But she finds out that Jiang Yishi is staring at her.

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