Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Recap: Episode 10

In the 10th episode of Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama, Cha Oh Reum thinks she cannot to be a judge anymore after suffering the stress coming from other judges. She wants to take a revenge since law cannot help Da In. But Da In asks her to hang in there, because she tried her best during the trial.

Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Recap: Episode 10

Miss Hammurabi

Note: These are specific plot spoilers for Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Episode 10.

Bo Wang is excited tells Ba Reun that Do Yeon accepts his date, but Ba Reun is worrying about Cha Oh Reum. Bo Wang looks at his watch, and goes to submit draft of the verdict, because he doesn’t want to be late to the date.

Do Yeon asks Ba Reun what things he wants her to do for him. He denies, and returns to his office. She applies makeup to cover the acne around cheek while looking at the mirror.

Cha Oh Reum gets a call from prosecutor who asks her to go to room 529 tomorrow. Ba Reun worries about her, and asks her to postpone it. But she thinks she cannot avoid it since she started it first, and asks him if he worries about her. He is nervous, and claims he just doesn’t want her to affect their work. She calls him mother-in-law, and laughs.

Bo Wang goes to Gon Dae’s room with draft, but his colleague tells him that Gon Dae isn’t there because he was in trouble.

SEE ALSO: Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Recap: Episode 1

Gon Dae asks Bo Wang to mediate the case for him, but Bo Wang rejects it, and tells him to do it himself. Gon Dae loses his temper, and yells at Bo Wang that he doesn’t have right mind to mediate since his colleague is getting handcuffed. He thinks it’s because of Cha Oh Reum.

Bo Wang grumbles that Cha Oh Reum made enemies again, and wants to end the mediate soon. But the plaintiff and defendant keeps arguing, because plaintiff wants to take the money back when he was in relationship with defendant. But the defendant thinks he is cheap. Bo Wang is hopeless, and takes his money from pocket, and gives it to plaintiff.

Bo Wang goes through the alley, because of traffic jam, and meets a traffic accident. The guy asks his wife to apologize to Bo Wang, but he lets them go, because he is in a hurry. He is desperate after the street is blocked, Do Yeon shows up at the appointment place, but Bu Wang isn’t there.

SEE ALSO: Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Recap: Episode 2

He grumbles that why it’s so difficult to get Do Yeon, when his car is out of battery. He rushes to the appointment place, and calls Do Yeon, falling down when she sees him. She worries about him when his palm is bleeding, but he means she dates an old man and works at a bar. She gives him a slap, and leaves with anger.

The prosecutor types that the senior judge asks Cha Oh Reum to change the verdict, but Cha Oh Reum corrects it that he just asked her to go through the records carefully, and claims she isn’t a victim but a testifier.

Cha Oh Reum gets a call from department head, after she returns office. Department head thinks the prosecutor wants to show the corruption of court to people, and persuades Cha Oh Reum not to be played by her. Cha Oh Reum claims she did it for justice, but he thinks Justice is just a abstract value, and asks her not to get a deep cut.

Ba Reun tells Cha Oh Reum that the prosecutor wants to find something out about Presiding Judge Gam, and scolds the judge who badmouthing Cha Oh Reum.

SEE ALSO: Miss Hammurabi Korean Drama Recap: Episode 8

Judge Kim scolds Do Yeon because she stops him from seeing Cha Oh Reum, Do Yeon is depression because she is just a stenographer.

Judge Kim tells Cha Oh Reum that the prosecutor summon Judge Hoon with temper, and things Cha Oh Reum told something to the prosecutor.

Cha Oh Reum meets up with Eun Ji outside, Eun Ji thinks Cha Oh Reum did right thing, and reveals Presiding Judge Sung is promoting Commercial Court.

The Presiding Judges blames Cha Oh Reum in front of Se Sang, Se Sang yells at him that she did nothing wrong, and claims he didn’t offer him drink so that he won’t visit his office anymore.

Se Sang calls Cha Oh Reum to his office, and tells her not give up. She says that the shape of his head looks nice from the back. He laughs, and gives her the case about Kim Da In. Ba Reun recalls she is the witness in the chest hair case.

The defendant lawyer is worth to be fired, because she ruined the company’s reputation in the chest hair case. Cha Oh Reum grasps her fist tightly during the trial, and yells that the lawyer is a jerk. Bo Wang just passes by, and admits he is a jerk.

Da In tells Cha Oh Reum that she and another intern were fired because they told the truth, but Mr. Im who committed sexual harassment got rehired. Se Sang thinks Da In needs evidence to prove it.

Ba Reun tells Cha Oh Reum that the court summoned Lawyer Ko who committed sexual harassment to Mr. Im’s wife. She asks him why it takes so long, he says that it’s the pace of the world.

Cha Oh Reum runs into the prosecutor in the hallway, the prosecutor looks at her with anger. The new prosecutor tells Cha Oh Reum that she doesn’t have to come to room 529, because Presiding Judge Gam is going to be charged.

Cha Oh Reum asks Se Sang to let her to be the presiding judge during the trial, he has no way but to accepts him. She asks the defendant’s lawyer why they have to fire Da In. The lawyer reveals Da In dated a married man in the company, it broke the employee ethics and mis conduct, even if Da In ended it. Cha Oh Reum feels pity for Da In, when she mentions Mr. In threatened her, and thought she was dirty. But Se Sang asks to wrap up.

Cha Oh Reum is out of mind, and thinks it’s easy to live as a villain, Ba Reun asks her to calm down, and not to jump to conclusions. She thinks Goddess of Justice covers eyes is because she doesn’t want to see the dirty acts, otherwise she’d kill them with her sword. He tells her that he understands her feelings, but she disagrees, and shows him the news Lawyer Ko is acquitted. He received another news that Presiding Judge Sung was assigned to High Court.

Presiding Judge Sung is pleased, when Eun Ji takes another judge to congratulate him. He tells her he will come back, and runs into Gon Dae and other presiding judges at the hallway. Gon Dae says that Presiding Judge Sung won’t stay at his seat too long.

Bo Wang apologizes to Do Yeon when she is looking at his car. She says that he just spoke out what people think, because she doesn’t come from rich family, but have a nice car, the only explanation is that she is the rish man’s mistress.

Cha Oh Reum wants to report it to TV, if she cannot save Da In. But Ba Reun thinks it’s not the justice she wanted. She claims what she wants us revenge, he tells her to take off her robe, if she wants revenge. She points the painting behind him, and says, “You detest people. Why are you pretending to be a saint, since you thought people are foolish and greedy?” Ba Reun claims, “I may not change the world, but can stand up for myself at least.”

Yong Jun persuades Cha Oh Reum to take advantage of him, if she wants to change the world. Cha Oh Reum tears up, after knowing the law cannot help Da In. She tells Ba Reun she wouldn’t become a judge if she knew the judge couldn’t change anything.

Yong Jun tells Ba Reun that his father wanted Cha Oh Reum to be his daughter-in-law, because he saw the desire of changing the world in her eyes. But Ba Reun points out that he just wanted her to do the charity work as a wealthy woman. Ba Reun asks his father if he sicks of world, father tells him the only way he can do is to wait.

Gon Dae doesn’t want to eat with Cha Oh Reum, because she stabbed her senior judge from his back, but the female presiding judge asks Cha Oh Reum for a talk.

Cha Oh Reum tells the female presiding judge that her father took his own life, because someone betrayed him. The female presiding judge thinks Cha Oh Reum can be a wonderful judge, because she is a wounded healer.

Da In thanks Cha Oh Reum after trial, but Cha Oh Reum feels sorry, because she couldn’t help her. Da In tells her not to give up to be a judge, and reveals she is going to be a reporter.

Ba Reun asks Cha Oh Reum to get some fresh air after they were dinner out at aunt’s shop. But they stand at the kiss spot with heart line, people ask them to have a kiss. They laugh, and don’t know how to do.

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