My Lovely Boxer K-Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for My Lovely Boxer K-Drama: Episode 4. Tae-Young shows up when Kwon-Sook hugs Jae-Min. He asks the two what they’re doing. He walks to them and he asks Kwon-Sook if she completes her practice.

Recap & Ending Explained

My Lovely Boxer K-Drama: Episode 4

Kwon-Sook denies it. She explains to Tae-Young that she stepped out for a while. She adds that Jae-Min came to see her. She mentions it has been five minutes. She smiles when she looks at Jae-Min. But Tae-Young yells at Kwon-Sook that a minute isn’t allowed.

Tae-Young reminds Kwon-Sook that her breaks are a part of her training. She wonders why he threw a fit to her. She claims that she was going to return to the gym. He thinks he saw Jae-Min before. Jae-Min admits it. He thinks they did it in front of the kindergarten.

Jae-Min mentions what Kwon-Sook told him that she went on a blind date with Tae-Young. Tae-Young reminds Jae-Min that Kwon-Sook is a boxer. He tells him not to visit Kwon-Sook without his permission. But Kwon-Sook thinks Jae-Min doesn’t need Tae-Young’s permission to visit her. She asks Tae-Young who he is.

Tae-Young yells at Kwon-Sook that he’s her agent. He mentions he took care of her health. He grabs her hand and takes her to get into the gym. She thinks he should take the duty if Jae-Min doesn’t come to see her again. He points out that the guy will contact her if he likes her.

Tae-Young wonders why Kwon-Sook thinks Jae-Min is very important. She yells at him that she needs a boyfriend. But he ruined it. She’s furious to walk away. Ho-Hoong sees her off. He wonders what happened. He thinks Tae-Young ruffled Kwon-Sook’s feathers.

SEE ALSO: My Lovely Boxer K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending Explained

Ho-Hoong tells Tae-Young to give Kwon-Sook some carrots before he scolds her. Tae-Young tells Ho-Hoong that he’s going to give some money to him. Ho-Hoong tells Kwon-Sook to come out for training.

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