Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama Recap: Episode 3

This is the recap of Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama Episode 3, Situ Mo runs into Wei Yi in the library, and he smells some foul smell. He asks her if she smells it. But she denies. He notices the smell comes from her body, and she explains she just ate Luoshi noodles. So he suggests her to return dorm and take a shower.

Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama Recap: Episode 3

Put Your Head on My Shoulder

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Put Your Head on My Shoulder Chinese Drama Episode 3.

Fu Pei waits for Situ Mo but runs into Wang Shan. She complains that he kept calling and woke up all of the roommates. Situ Mo shows up and asks Fu Pei if she did the humiliating things last night. He says that she hugged and kissed him. Situ Mo grabs her fists.

Professor Jiang asks Wei Yi to join his team, and thinks the first was Wei Yi if he attended the exam. He says that he will do electric shock on person of he badmouths Wei Yi. Wei Yi says that he wants to join the best team. Ms. Qing tells Situ Mo that they will recruit some interns and keep the best one.

Situ Mo talks with her mom over the phone while taking the food plate. Wei Yi catches the plate when the soup almost sprinkles, and places it on the table. She spots him taking another plate and drinking the soup as he fears it sprinkles as well. Situ Mo tells her mother that the company is remote, so she decides to rent a house.

Her mother mentions her friend’s house is empty, but Situ Mo wants to do it herself. Ms. Qing introduces Situ Mo to the colleagues, and says that they can ask her to help them. Situ Mo doesn’t catch the bus because it’s crowd. Mother calls her and tells Situ Mo that Ms. Xu’s house is empty, and she just needs to clean the house.

Yu Yin finds out Wei Yi calculated wrong, and he fixes it. Kang Lin tells Situ Mo that colleagues complained about the smell of Luoshi noodles in the group, and wants to eat it with her at the restaurant. But Situ Mo tells Kang Lin that the restaurant is punished because of food sanitation.

Situ Mo runs into Wei Yi in the library, and he smells some foul smell. He asks her if she smells it. But she denies. He notices the smell comes from her body, and she explains she just ate Luoshi noodles. So he suggests her to return dorm and take a shower.

But she says that she moved out and complains that her new house looks like a morgue. Situ Mo gets in the house and spots the text “FP” on the basketball. She treats it as fart. Mother calls Situ Mo and asks if she messed up Ms. Xu’s house. Situ Mo looks around and finds out it’s full of garbages. But she tells Mother that there isn’t any dust. Mother tells Situ Mo that Ms. Xu’s child will live in the house for some days.

Situ Mu is up and asks about the time. She is relieved when she knows the time is tomorrow. She is watching the horror movie and notices someone sneaks into the house. So she takes out a knife and screams. But she is surprised that the person is Wei Yi. Wei Yi tells Situ Mo that he is Ms. Xu’s son and realizes the morgue Situ Mo mentioned is his house.

She smirks and turns on the heater. He looks around and finds out his house is messed up. She explains that she was intention to clean it as her mother told her that he would return tomorrow. He says that he did experiment, and there wasn’t any taxi. So she asks him if he lives there tonight, and says that she doesn’t expect Ms. Xu’s child is a boy.

He says that he doesn’t expect his mom’s friend’s child is a girl. So she decides to move out. But it thunders. She begs him allowing her move out tomorrow. He agrees but asks her to clean up. Wei Yi asks Situ Mo to throw away the Luoshi noodles, and watches her. She yells at him that she doesn’t wear underwear.

After they clean up the house, Wei Yi goes to take a shower. He finds out there is something in the basin, and uses the toothbrush to take it out. He spots the bra and asks Situ Mo if she only has one toothbrush. She says yes and finds out her toothbrush is soaked in the basin. Wei Yi shows the toothbrushes he found in the house, but she takes all.

Wei Yi asks Situ Mo to leave one for him. She does it and calls her mother, asking why she didn’t tell her Ms. Xu’s child is a boy. But Mother thinks it’s ok to live together since Wei Yi is very handsome and good at study. But Situ Mo says that she will move out. Wei Yi blames his mother for didn’t tell him that the person is a girl.

But his mother thinks it’s ok because he doesn’t like girl. Wei Yi wants to exchange rooms with Situ Mo, and finds out she gets pains in stomach. He asks her to take the medicine, but she passes out then. Wei Yi calls 120 and asks for the ambulance. He tells the woman that he poisoned Situ Mo and asks when the ambulance will come.

The man tells the doctor that Situ Mo ate the dirty Luoshi noodles, and Wei Yi fed her the overdue intestine pill. The doctor thinks he met Wei Yi and Situ Mo before. Wei Yi mentions he treated Situ Mo’s leg. Doctor tells Wei Yi that Situ Mo just gets gastroenteritis and tells him to take care of her. He reminds him not to poison her, and walks away.

Doctor spots the child crying and goes to check it. He tells the parents that the child pretends to be sick as he has a exam tomorrow. But the father is furious and threatens to tear up the hospital. Wei Yi protects Situ Mo with his body when the plate flies to her. Situ Mo wakes up and spots Wei Yi.

Wei Yi returns the dorm. Fu Pei gives Wei Yi the basketball with the text “FP”. But Wei Yi says that he doesn’t want to play basketball anymore.

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