Extraordinary Attorney Woo K-Drama: Episode 1 Recap & Ending

This is the Recap & Ending for Extraordinary Attorney Woo K-Drama: Episode 1. Gwang-Ho takes Young-Woo to see the doctor. He calls her when she stares at the whale pendant. She doesn’t give him any reaction. The doctor tells Gwang-Ho that his daughter has autism.

Does Young-Woo Have Autism?

Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Extraordinary Attorney Woo K-Drama: Episode 1.

Gwang-Ho returns home with Young-Woo. The old man Gyu-Sik is furious to walk out of his house. He blames Gwang-Ho for flirting with his wife. He has a fight with him. Young-Woo sees it. She tells Gyu-Sik that he will be punished according to the law.

Gwang-Ho is happy to tell the people that his daughter can speak. He carries her into their house. She tells him that she learned the law from the law book when she jumps. Yeong-Ran visits Gwang-Ho. She feels sorry for what her husband did to him. She hands over the ointment to him.

Gwang-Ho cries to tell Yeong-Ran that his daughter memorized all of the words in the law book. She laughs and thinks the kid can be an attorney. Young-Woo wakes up. She places the whale toys on the bed. Extraordinary Attorney Woo shows that there’re many whale stuff in Young-Woo’s room.

Young-Woo opens the locker. She sees the clothes her father prepared for her. She smiles when she holds the clothes looking at herself in the mirror. She walks out of her house and goes to Gwang-Ho’s restaurant. Gwang-Ho finds out that his daughter wore the clothes. He tells her that she looks beautiful.

Gwang-Ho hands over the food to Young-Woo. He tells her not to talk about whale with others. She walks out of his restaurant. She goes to take the subway. She’s nervous when the people are close to her. But she doesn’t fear the people because she knows her whale is accompanying her.

Young-Woo arrives at the building. The worker tells her to pass the gate via the revolving gate. Young-Woo tries to pass the revolving gate. But she gets pushed out. Jun-Ho helps her. He takes her to Myeong-Seok’s office after knowing she’s the new attorney.

Young-Woo knocks at the door. She walks into Myeong-Seok’s office. She tells him that she’s the new attorney. He takes out her resume. He sees the note that Seon-Young asks him to take care of the girl. He leaves the office after she said something weird to him.

Min-Woo learns that Su-Yeon knows Young-Woo. He wonders why Seon-Young asked Myeong-Seok to take care of Young-Woo. Myeong-Seok walks into Seon-Young’s office. He asks her if she knows Young-Woo has autism. She admits it but she mentions Young-Woo was an extraordinary student. He offers to give a case to test Young-Woo since she wants to keep the extraordinary attorney. She agrees to it. She smiles after he left his office.

Myeong-Seok talks about the case with Young-Woo. He hands over the photo to her. She sees the iron and mistakes it as a sperm whale. He takes her to see the defendant Yeong-Ran who’s suspected to kill her husband. Yeong-Ran hugs Young-Woo after knowing she was the kid she knew.

Young-Woo visits Myeong-Seok. She hands over the statement to him. She tells him that she wants to prove that Yeong-Ran is innocent. She explains to him that Yeong-Ran cannot get the house from her husband after he passes away if she becomes the killer.

Myeong-Seok realizes that Young-Woo is actually the extraordinary attorney after hearing what she said. He apologizes to her before she leaves. The girl hands over the chocolate to Jun-Ho. He opens the drawer. The colleague sees many chocolates from the drawer. He tells Jun-Ho that he needs to escort Young-Woo to the hospital.

Young-Woo stands in front of the revolving door. Jun-Ho asks her if she needs his help. She denies and leaks that she’s waiting for someone. He tells her that he’s waiting for someone as well. He calls the attorney. He finds out that she’s the attorney he needs to escort. He teaches her to use the waltz to pass the revolving door.

Did Yeong-Ran Intend to Kill her Husband?

The doctor tells Young-Woo that Gyu-Sik was hurt because Yeong-Ran took the iron to hit him. She goes to the ward. She sees Yeong-Ran taking care of Gyu-Sik. Young-Woo walks into the ward. Gyu-Sik wakes up. Yeong-Ran introduces Young-Woo to Gyu-Sik as Gwang-Ho’s daughter.

Gyu-Sik is furious to beat Young-Woo. Jun-Ho stops Gyu-Sik. He takes Young-Woo to leave the ward. Young-Woo asks Yeong-Ran if she actually wanted to kill her husband when she took the iron to hit him. She admits it. Young-Woo reports it to Myeong-Seok.

Myeong-Seok thinks the jury trial will be the best choice for Yeong-Ran. Su-Yeon and Min-Woo volunteer to be the attorney of the jury trial. But Young-Woo is against it. She thinks her autism will help the defendant. Myeong-Seok agrees to her plan.

Su-Yeon tells Min-Woo that Young-Woo that was the top student in the law school. She sees her failing to pass the revolving door. She helps her and tells her to use other doors if the revolving door is very difficult to her. She’s furious to walk away.

Dong Geurami cleans up the restaurant. She asks her boss Min-Sik for the money. He rejects it. Young-Woo shows up. She asks Dong Geurami to teach her how to speak like an attorney. She leaks that she’s going to go to the court. Dong Geurami teaches what she learned to Young-Woo.

Young-Woo walks into the court. She tells the jury that she’s going to help Yeong-Ran. Dong Geurami applauds. She stands up and cheers Young-Woo up. The prosecutor Hyeon-Uk asks Yeong-Ran if she actually wanted to kill her husband. It makes her cry. She asks the judge for his mercy.

Myeong-Seok walks to Hyeon-Uk after the trial. He blames him for doing it to the old woman. But Hyeon-Uk tells Myeong-Seok that he believes that Yeong-Ran wanted to kill her husband. Myeong-Seok wants to take Gyu-Sik to the court. But Jun-Ho worries that the old man will hurt Young-Woo.

Myeong-Seok decides to question Gyu-Sik. He tells Young-Woo to prepare the draft. She agrees to it. Gyu-Sik takes the wheelchair to arrive at the court in Jun-Ho’s help. He raises his hand when he reads the oath. She tells the judge that he will only tell the truth.

Myeong-Seok tells Young-Woo to go to question Gyu-Sik. He reveals she plans to make the old man curse her. She’s scared to walk to Gyu-Sik. She introduces herself as Yeong-Ran’s attorney to the judge. Gyu-Sik yells at Young-Woo when he points at her. He mentions what he told her that he doesn’t want to see her.

Gyu-Sik throws a fit to everyone at the court. He takes his clothes to beat Young-Woo. He pours water to her when the bodyguards try to stop him. Yeong-Ran has a fight with her husband. Young-Woo tells the judge that Yeong-Ran didn’t intend to kill Gyu-Sik. But the bodyguard breaks into the court. He tells something to Hyeon-Uk.

Hyeon-Uk reports to the judge that Gyu-Sik passed away when he was on the way to the hospital. Yeong-Ran passes out after she heard the bad news. Myeong-Seok pays his respect to Gyu-Sik. Young-Woo stares at Gyu-Sik’s photo. She thinks the old man wouldn’t die if she didn’t take the case.

Young-Woo sits on the bench to wait for Yeong-Ran. She takes off her headphones and follows her when she shows up. She stops her and tells her that she feels sorry for her husband’s death. She thinks her greedy killed her husband. It makes Yeong-Ran cry. She feels guilty for not caring for her husband. She takes out the handkerchief to wipe off her tears.

Young-Woo walks to Yeong-Ran. She tries to comfort her. But she gives up the mind when she’s in tears. Jun-Ho walks into the office when Young-Woo is studying the papers of Yeong-Ran’s case. He hands over the autopsy report of Gyu-Sik to her.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo K-Drama: Episode 1 Ending

Extraordinary Attorney Woo tells the judge that that Gyu-Sik is sick because if his previous illness. She asks him not to sentence the poor old woman as a killer. Jun-Ho brings Yeong-Ran to Young-Woo. Yeong-Ran cries to hug Young-Woo. Myeong-Seok smiles after he saw it.

Extraordinary Attorney Woo K-Drama: Episode 1 stars Park Eun-Bin and Kang Tae-Oh.

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