Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 13 Recap & Ending Explained

These are the Recap & Ending Explained for Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 13. The driver takes Eun-Gyeol and Eun-Yu to the house. Eun-Gyeol asks the driver to make a lap around the house because Eun-Yu is sleeping in the car.

Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 13 Recap

Twinkling Watermelon

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 13.

Eun-Gyeol takes a look at Eun-Yu. He remembers she asked him to take her home after he confessed his feelings to her. Eun-Yu wakes up when Eun-Gyeol asks the driver to make a lap around the house again. She lets the driver open the trunk.

Eun-Gyeol carries Eun-Yu’s suitcase out of the trunk. He sees something on the suitcase. Eun-Yu invites Eun-Gyeol to eat noodles with her. He walks into the house with her. She tells him to go to boil water. She takes the suitcase to second floor.

But the suitcase falls. Eun-Yu uses her leg to cover the stuff. Eun-Gyeol carries the suitcase to the second floor. She picks up the stuff after he left. He carries the suitcase into her room. He finds out that she’s taking medicine.

He leaves her room when he hears her scream. He finds out that she made fire when she cooked. He puts out the fire. He scolds her after finding out that she couldn’t cook well. But he worries about her. He cooks pancakes for her. He reveals she’s the only one who can hear the rain falling in his family.

She realizes that he’s a CODA. He’s surprised because there’s no such a term in 1995. She explains to him that she learned it from her deaf friend. He promises to help her before he leaves. She smiles when she remembers what he said in the bathroom.

He returns home to take a bath. He opens the window. He sees the moons. He gets a call from Master who tells him that his trip is going to end. Master reveals there will be two moons appearing. He hangs up. Eun-Gyeol wakes up. He takes a look at outside. He only sees one moon.

He remembers Master told him that he can go home when he sees two moons. Yi-Chan walks out of his house. He takes a look at the present Chung-A gave to him. He remembers what she told him not to come to see her. She sees Eun-Yu who’s smiling at him.

She apologizes to him for running away from the festival. She tries to confess to him. But he knows she likes Eun-Gyeol. He thanks her even if she chose Eun-Gyeol. Yi-Chan returns to the festival. Ma-Joo wonders if Yi-Chan is going to leave the band room because each member is going to leave.

The student shows up. He tells the two that Principal Joong-Man wants to see them. He thinks they brought a trouble. Yi-Chan and Ma-Joo walk into Joong-Man’s office. They’re surprised to see other members. Joong-Man shows up. He asks the boys to sign the paper. The boys stop Joong-Man because they worry that he wishes them to drop out.

Eun-Gyeol returns to the band room. He asks the members what happened. The members point at the paper. Joong-Man asked the boys to take part in the contest But he wished them to defeat IIyoung High School. He got angry after knowing they don’t have any song.

Yi-Chan tells the members to write the song. But Ma-Joo reminds him that they need to inform Se-Kyung and Chung-A. Yi-Chan leaves the job to Eun-Gyeol. He walks out of the band room with the members. Eun-Gyeol stops Yi-Chan. He tries to confess to him. But Yi-Chan tells Eun-Gyeol that Se-Kyung has told it to him.

Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 13 Ending Explained

Episode 13 of Twinkling Watermelon ends with Yi-Chan letting the band members greet Chung-A with sign language. Yi-Chan holds Chung-A’s hand. He takes her to get into the train station. The boys welcome Chung-A when they’re on the train.

Eun-Yu regrets for choosing Eun-Gyeol. Because she lost all of her fans. Eun-Gyeol promises to be nice to Eun-Yu. She rejects it and she asks him to keep his promise. But he forgets his promise. She tells him not to disappear without a word. She goes to the restroom. She finds out that she’s holding the phone that she threw into the trash can. She picks up the phone.

SEE ALSO: Twinkling Watermelon K-Drama: Episode 12 Recap & Ending Explained

Master tells Eun-Yu that she’s going to go home if she sees two moons. But she’s not interested in it. He reminds her that she will be locked up in 1995 forever if she loses the chance. He comforts her that he has sent a helper to help her. He hangs up. She walks out of the restroom. She sees Eun-Gyeol who’s holding a phone like her. They’re surprised that they did time travel.

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