Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 4 Recap & Ending

This is the Recap & Ending for Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 4. Seul-Bi follows Soo-Gwang. But he tells her to stay at home. Eun-Soo flirts with Seul-Bi. But he gets hit by his sister Eun-Jung. She tells him to leave. She tells Seul-Bi that she loves Soo-Gwang very much.

Who Is Seul-Bi’s Father?

Jinxed At First

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 4.

But Seul-Bi’s attention is on the drinks. It makes Eun-Jung believe that Seul-Bi is a fool. She tells her to leave Soo-Gwang. It flashes back. Eun-Jung walks to Soo-Gwang. She tells him that she can give him a place to him. He agrees to it. She’s excited to scream. Soo-Gwang asks Eun-Jung for the fried chicken. He shows his sunny smile to her. She’s lost and her phone drops into the hot oil. He pushes her aside and gets her phone from the hot oil.

Eun-Jung is shy when she thinks about what Soo-Gwang did for her. But Seul-Bi tells Eun-Jung that she’s Soo-Gwang’s lover. It makes Eun-Jung unhappy. Eun-Jung tells her mom that she wants to cry. Hyun-Sook tells Eun-Jung to fry chicken.

SEE ALSO: Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 3 Recap & Ending

Seul-Bi gets in Hyun-Sook’s car. Eun-Jung tells Seul-Bi that their car isn’t cab. Seul-Bi gives the cash to Hyun-Sook. Hyun-Sook agrees to give the girl a ride. Seul-Bi arrives at the parking lot. She gets off the car. She walks to Min-Joon.

Eun-Jung sees it. She blames Seul-Bi for seeing Min-Joon when she owns Soo-Gwang. Min-Joon asks Seul-Bi if she left the hotel for Soo-Gwang. He tells her that Sam-Jung will hurt Soo-Gwang if she stays by Soo-Gwang’s side. He asks her to return to the hotel.

Seul-Bi arrives at the market. Soo-Gwang scolds her because he told her to stay at home. He tells her not to bring trouble. He walks away. He returns to his shop. She finds out that she sells the fish to the customers with her skills.

Yi-Young shows up. She blames Seul-Bi for taking away her customers. Seul-Bi tells Yi-Young that she knows her husband has a cat. Yi-Young is scared to run away. Soo-Gwang praises Seul-Bi. Jang-Geun calls Min-Joon. He tells him to prepare the birthday present for Jang-Kyung. Min-Joon agrees to it.

Min-Joon walks into the room. He finds out that Jang-Kyung is talking with Sam-Jung. Jang-Kyung greets Min-Joon. But he doesn’t give her a good feedback. She blames him for doing it to her since they haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Sam-Jung explains that his son wants to surprise Jang-Kyung. Min-Joon tells Jang-Kyung that he knows it’s her birthday tomorrow. She feels happy. Min-Joon worries that Jang-Kyung will find Seul-Bi if he gets married with her. Sam-Jung tells Min-Joon to conceal Seul-Bi from Jang-Kyung. Because Seul-Bi will brings luck to Min-Joon.

Min-Joon blames Sam-Jung for locking Seul-Bi up. Sam-Jung tells Min-Joon that Seul-Bi will be a demon if she keeps staying outside. Min-Joon doesn’t believe what Sam-Jung said. He walks away. Sam-Jung goes to see Mi-Soo. She cries to hug him. She asks him not to look for Seul-Bi. Ms. Kim sees it.

Does Dong-Sik Find Sam-Jung’s Secret?

Seul-Bi sends a letter to Mi-Soo in Yoon-Ho’s help. She remembers Mi-Soo told her to send a letter to her. Hyun-Tae walks out of the prison. The guy is waiting for him. He hands over the phone to him. He walks away. Hyun-Tae drinks at the bar. He misses Mi-Soo. He remembers he helped Mi-Soo flee after he defeated the bodyguards. Mi-Soo was pregnant.

Sam-Jung wakes up from the nightmare. He’s startled when he sees his father. But he finds out that the man he sees is Min-Joon. Seul-Bi eats with Soo-Gwang. She tells him that she will help him get rich. She calls him prince. Eun-Jung drinks alone outside. She’s very sad.

Seul-Bi tries to sell the squid to the customer. But the customer runs away. Soo-Gwang wonders where the customers went. Sung-Deok leaks that Yi-Young told people that the customer was sent to the hospital after he ate Soo-Gwang’s squid.

Seul-Bi wants to make Yi-Young apologize to Soo-Gwang. But Sung-Deok thinks it’s not a good idea. He takes Soo-Gwang away. Min-Joon meets with Jang-Kyung. He tells her that he doesn’t want to get married with her. She agrees to it. But she asks him to get an interview from her. He chooses the interview.

Jang-Kyung tries to get in her car. She spots Soo-Gwang. Min-Joon walks to Soo-Gwang. He has a talk with him. Jang-Kyung spots the two when she’s in the car. She reports to Jang-Geun that she saw Soo-Gwang when he believes that Soo-Gwang is dead.

Jang-Geun calls Min-Joon and asks him about it. Min-Joon hangs up when Sam-Jung shows up. Jang-Geun tells Dong-Sik that Soo-Gwang is alive. But Dong-Sik isn’t interested in it. He meets with the guy who gives Seul-Bi’s photo to him. The guy tells Dong-Sik that he knows nothing about the girl. He tells him to visit the person who knows Seul-Bi most.

Dong-Sik finds Ms. Min from the hospital. She turns around and recognizes him. She laughs. She tells him that Seul-Bi is the lucky star of Sam-Jung. She adds that Sam-Jung will hurt him if he dares to touch the girl. She remembers Seul-Bi told her that she will get locked up when she touched her by mistake.

Dong-Sik brings the gift to Sam-Jung. But he’s blocked by Min-Joon. Dong-Sik tells Min-Joon that he will take Seul-Bi away from him because he has known the girl is the lucky star of him. Min-Joon is furious to grab Dong-Sik’s shirt. But he’s stopped by Secretary Cha.

Dong-Sik lets Min-Joon accept the present. He walks away. The chief hands over Seul-Bi’s photo to Yoon-Ho. He tells him to find the girl. Seul-Bi persuades Young-Woo to buy the squid. He lets his mom to pay it. But Hyun-Sook tells the lady that the squid contains a bad thing. Seul-Bi is furious to run away.

Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 4 Ending

Soo-Gwang asks Seul-Bi if she remembers what happened last night. She denies. It makes him get angry. He tells her that she vomited to him. She cries because she feels guilty. She sees the dog. She likes the dog and wants to take him home. She kisses the dog. Soo-Gwang is furious to walk away.

Jinxed At First K-Drama: Episode 4 stars Seohyun and Na In-Woo.

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