Truth or Dare: Episode 4 Recap

This is the recap for Chinese drama Truth or Dare: Episode 4. Master Mei gives Mei Shiqing a slap and tells him to ruin the wall. He threatens to kill him. Mei Shiqing rejects it. Master Mei tries to give his son another slap. But he’s stopped by Xiao Wanzi.

Mei Shiqing is Injured for Protecting Xiao Wanzi

Truth or Dare

Note: From here on out there are specific plot spoilers for Chinese drama Truth or Dare: Episode 4.

Master Mei throws Xiao Wanzi to the wall. Mei Shiqing goes to protect Xiao Wanzi. But he’s hurt by the brick. The blood drops on her face. She thanks him when he’s treated by Si Heng. She says that she feels regret for being bad to him.

Xiao Wanzi blames Mei Shiqing for not giving in. She wonders why he had to accept the pain. He explains that he saved her because he worried that he couldn’t explain it to Nine Prince if she was injured. She claims she said that because of politeness.

Mei Shiqing Asks Xiao Wanzi for Porridge

Xiao Wanzi tells Mei Shiqng that she wants to repay his grace. She tells him to tell it to her if he wants to eat something. She wonders why he blocked the brick in front of her since he’s blind. He asks her for cooking a bowl of porridge for him.

Xiao Wanzi tells Mei Shiqing that she will get Qiao Yun to do that. He mentions someone cried for a chance of repaying grace. She claims that she won’t break her promise. She tells him to wait for her and she walks away. Xiao Wanzi cooks the porridge in the kitchen.

Xiao Wanzi isn’t Good at Cooking

Qiao Yun wants to replace Xiao Wanzi to cook the porridge. But Xiao Wanzi thinks she can only have the sincerity when she cooks it on her own. Qiao Yun hints Xiao Wanzi that she doesn’t light the fire. Xiao Wanzi tells Qiao Yun that she wants Mei Shiqing what’s repaying grace.

Qiao Yun points out that it’s the best repaying grace when Xiao Wanzi and Mei Shiqing can drink the porridge well. She tells her that she will cook the porridge for her.

Xiao Wanzi Washes Mei Shiqing’s Head

Xiao Wanzi brings the porridge to Mei Shiqing. But he tells her that he doesn’t want to drink it. She tells Si Heng to drink the porridge. She washes head for Mei Shiqing. Si Heng thinks the porridge is pretty good. He tells Mei Shiqing to taste it.

But Mei Shiqing tells Si Heng to drink up the porridge. Xiao Wanzi takes a look at Mei Shiqing’s face. She wants to check if he’s actually blind. But he blows her eyes and covers his face with the towel.

Chief Bandit Decides to Marry his Daughter to Xiao Bao

Chief Bandit drinks with Xiao Bao. He says that he heard that Lu Yingyao wanted to flee. Xiao Bao denies and claims they just played games. He asks Chief Bandit when he will get them to get married. Chief Bandit tells Xiao Bao that he wants to marry Nan Xiang to him.

Chief Bandit tells Xiao Bao that he wishes him to replace him to be chief bandit. But Xiao Bao worries about Lu Yingyao if he marries Nan Xiang. Chief Bandit tells Xiao Bao that he will marry Lu Yingyao. Xiao Bao confesses that he wouldn’t touch Lu Yingyao if he knew Nan Batian likes Lu Yingyao.

Nan Batian is Surprised that Xiao Bao Touched his Woman

Xiao Bao tells Nan Batian that he slept with Lu Yingyao. Nan Batian is shocked and asks Xiao Bao why he took action so fast. Xiao Bao explains that he did that because Lu Yingyao wanted to flee. He wants to take his life to clean his sin.

Nan Batian stops Xiao Bao. He thinks he can imitate Emperor Tang. Xiao Bao tells Nan Batian that he will send Lu Yingyao to his room after he gets her to take a bath. But Nan Batian wants to have a wedding with Lu Yingyao.

Lu Yingyao Knows Nan Batian Wants to Marry Her

Xiao Bao is furious to tells Lu Yingyao that Nan Batian doesn’t want him to get married with her. She smiles and thinks Nan Batian is a good person. But he tells her that Nan Batian wants to marry her on his own. She complains that all of people in the village are jerks.

Xiao Bao tells Lu Yingyao that he wouldn’t fall for her if she’s not beautiful. She thanks him for praising her, and wants to take her life. She mentions the herb she used. She says that it made her get red rashes. He tells her that he will go to the pharmacy to buy the herb.

Xiao Wanzi Has an Evil Plan

Qiao Yun asks Xiao Wanzi about the relationship of her and Mei Shiqing. Xiao Wanzi says that she suspected that Mei Shiqing can see things. She thinks she can prepare for it if they confirm it. She tells Qiao Yun that she knows the thing Mei fears.

Xiao Wanzi visits Mei Shiqing. She gets Si Heng to leave because she wants to say something to Mei Shiqing. She brings the medicine to Mei Shiqing. She tells him that it’s good for his eyes. But he pours the tea on the medicine.

Mei Shiqing Passes the Test

Xiao Wanzi releases the spider and lets it climbs on Mei Shiqing’s hand. She finds out that he’s actually a blind. Xiao Wanzi tells Qiao Yun and Qiu Hua that Mei Shiqing didn’t have any reaction when the spider climbed on his body.

Qiao Yun thinks it’s a good news. Qiu Hua tells Qiao Yun that he didn’t get any message of princess and He Laodie. Xiao Wanzi worries that her father got killed because she didn’t marry the bandit. Qiao Yun comforts Xiao Wanzi that her father will be fine. Second Madam brings the supplements to Xiao Wanzi. She tells her to cook it for Mei Shiqing.

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